89' Caravan 3 speed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    We've got an 89' Caravan with a three speed that is starting to slip in
    reverse on grades. It doesn't show any signs of slipping on the flat.
    What would be the most likely cause, adjustment or parts?

    Guest, Oct 23, 2003
  2. How long since the transmission was properly serviced (adjust bands and
    linkage, change fluid and filter)?
    Daniel J Stern, Oct 23, 2003
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    We got the van at 160,000 km this spring, that's when I changed all it's
    filters, tranny included. The tranny was refilled with ATF+3. The bands
    haven't been adjusted that I'm aware of. The van now has 171,000km on

    Guest, Oct 23, 2003
  4. Guest

    Christian Guest

    I have the same kind of car.
    I adjusted the bands (upper and lower) and this fixed for a while.
    To adjust the low reverse band you should drain the trms oil, remove
    the trms cover and you have acces to the low reverse band to adjust.
    You need to use a specia tool to adjust at a couple, I don't know
    exactly tha values.
    The same thing for upper adjustment, under the throtle cable.

    Christian, Oct 23, 2003
  5. It's long overdue for a band and linkage adjustment -- get it done NOW,
    and set the bands on the tight side of the spec.

    These transmissions work a lot better if the accumulator spring is removed
    and its piston blocked in the "UP" position and the line pressure is
    increased via the line pressure adjustment on the valve body, but if you
    or your transmission service tech doesn't know and feel comfortable about
    these mods, don't.

    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 23, 2003
  6. Guest

    Doug Guest

    Per my Caravan's owner's manual, the bands in that 3 sp transmission
    should be adjusted at 30,000 mile intervals. They must be set to the
    specified torque.

    My local Dodge dealer sez he does band adjustments, including fluid
    and filter change for about $125/U.S.

    I've got one of the last Caravans that use that transmission.
    My van is a 2002 model. They stopped using the 3 speed mid year on the
    2002's. I've got mixed emotions about that. The 4 speed may give very
    slightly better acceleration and gas mileage but is a bit less
    reliable than the old 3 spd.

    Doug, Oct 24, 2003
  7. Guest

    Christian Guest

    I did myself the band adjustment, including fluid and filter to the
    specified torque, using a rent special tool for the torque.
    This fixed the slepping for a while, but still seams to slip on high
    Someone reccomended changing the bands. I would like to ask what
    exactly this operation means or what suppose rebuilding transmission.
    My car is old indeed, but still in very good shape, I would like to
    keep it a couple of years, but just the transmission is the problem.
    The poit is I would like to have a camp-trailer attached, (not yet
    tried) but after fixing the transmission.
    Thanks for all the recomendation.
    Christian, Oct 24, 2003
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for the advise. I'll be booking an appointment today.
    Guest, Oct 24, 2003
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