'88 2.5 radiator fan turning on too quickly

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lhead, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Lhead

    Lhead Guest

    After driving my 1988 Voyager a few blocks today at approx. 40 degrees
    ambient temperature, I popped the hood and left the engine running. The
    upper radiator hose was still cold, meaning the engine had not reached
    anywhere near operating temperature. The radiator fan then clicked on
    and ran for probably a minute. Neither the A/C nor the defroster was

    I know that the SMEC turns on the fan through the fan relay based on
    information received from the coolant temperature sensor. The sensor
    has been replaced probably within the last year.

    Any ideas? I doubt that this could impair driveability, but it just
    seems odd that the fan is turning on so soon and while the engine is
    still relatively cool.

    Thanks everyone for your input.
    Lhead, Mar 2, 2005
  2. Lhead

    Al Williams Guest

    This is normal. The fan turns on early when the car is stopped to blow
    condensation off the radiator. This prevents "steaming", in which
    condensation evaporating off the radiator forms visible steam coming out
    from the edges of the hood, looking like a cooling hose has blown.


    Keep on Ridin' `\ <
    * Al Williams *
    * San Jose CA Chief Cyclist, DNRC *
    Al Williams, Mar 3, 2005
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