87 Shadow

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by OurGodlivz, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. OurGodlivz

    OurGodlivz Guest

    Hey I have a 87 Shadow (Automatic)and the camshaft locked up and the
    crankshaft spins on the timing belt. Does anyone know if it bent the
    valves? I know it does on some, but have heard both ways on this model. I
    am seeing if I need a new engine or just a new camshaft(or bearings) and
    timing belt. Thank you very much for your help,
    OurGodlivz, Aug 21, 2003
  2. OurGodlivz

    Neil Nelson Guest

    Lost cam timing does NOT bend the valves on any engine that
    would have come stock in an 87 Shadow.

    There is no such thing as replacing the camshaft bearings
    since the cylinder head material itself is the bearing
    surface, if the cam seized there could be a number of
    reasons including, oil supply problem, warped head, etc.

    A remanufactured head is your best option.
    Neil Nelson, Aug 21, 2003
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