87 Reliant, power loss and stalls. Got codes but dunno what.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by streblo, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. streblo

    streblo Guest

    Hi. My 87 Reliant (2.5L) stalls when stopping, especially when colder.
    Hesitates when running, and has low power and bad mileage. I got codes
    33 and 34. As per a list of codes, they refer to AC and speed control,
    but my car doesn't have AC not cruise. Anyboody knows of alternative
    interpretations that may give me clues? Speed sensor maybe?

    Thanks a lot
    streblo, Mar 9, 2006
  2. streblo

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi streblo...

    Not a mechanic, so I stand ready to be corrected, but I think
    you'll find that "speed control" doesn't refer to cruise control,
    but rather to the speed sensor...

    I further suggest that it's in the transaxle, and is responsible
    for "deciding" whether the car is idling or coasting, and the
    computer uses that information to determine where to put the idle
    air control motor.

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Mar 10, 2006
  3. streblo

    Mike Guest

    Code 34=Speed control solenoid circuit driver. This code will be set if
    vehicle does not have cruise. 33 will also be set if no A/C.

    Vehicle speed sensor would be code 15.
    Mike, Mar 10, 2006
  4. streblo

    streblo Guest

    So Mike, this means that 34 and 33 will be set as default codes in my
    cruise-less and AC-less car? in other words, I'm getting no fault codes
    in spite of the evident failures. Any ideas on where to loook first?
    streblo, Mar 10, 2006
  5. streblo

    Mike Guest

    Yes. I don't know why chrysler did it that way but if you don't have cruise
    or A/C, those fault codes with be set.

    Any ideas on where to loook first?
    Don't know how many miles you have on that but a compression test might be
    a good place to start. Then I would check the usual, plugs, wires, cap,
    rotor. You didn't mention if you have a carb or fuel injection. If it's
    carbureted it might be time for an overhaul or replacement. If it's fuel
    injected check the idle speed motor. You might also want to hook up a scan
    tool that can read sensor data while on a road test to see if you have a
    sensor that is out of spec, but not out enough to set a code. A bad O2
    sensor or MAP sensor may cause those symptoms.
    Mike, Mar 11, 2006
  6. I would look for vacuum leaks and do a basic tune up. The other possibility
    but a long shot would be the torque converter lockup isn't coming unlocked,
    but look to the easy stuff 1st.
    The Bathtub Admiral, Mar 11, 2006
  7. Hi, I have an 88 reliant and I am almost experiencing what you are going
    thru. My 2.5 liter 4 cyclinder has about 300 000 plus kilometers on it,
    and I do have aslight power problem with starting and idoling. it tends to
    want to stall and idol very roughly, even though its fuel injected,
    something is not right... Ii replaced all spark plugs wires cap and rotor
    and yet its been almost a year since I replaced it entirely, it still runs
    roughly in both warm and cold temps. I think my problem may be coolant
    related. have a leaky radiator and leak about 2 liters of water every 2nd
    day i have to refill it, that is when it really loses power and becomes
    sluggish in acceleration when water is low. Not sure if this is of any
    help to you so thought i may run this issue by you.
    downwithdodgeandchrysler, Mar 11, 2006
  8. streblo

    streblo Guest

    The main problem was a faulty spark, the car was actually running with
    3 cyls. It runs well now but it will not start with the MAP sensor
    connected. I get a series of codes related with MAP (13, 14) so I'll
    get a used sensor to se what (a new one is about $100).

    streblo, Mar 17, 2006
  9. streblo

    maxpower Guest

    If the car will not start with the map sensor connected and will when it is
    disconnected you found your problem!!! replace the map sensor because it is
    shorted out.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Mar 17, 2006
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