'64, '65, & '66 Barracuda rear windows for sale

Discussion in 'Chrysler Parts For Sale / Trade' started by ThaDriver, May 11, 2004.

  1. ThaDriver

    ThaDriver Guest

    WOW there are no Plymouth or Mopar boards here???
    Anywho; I have two rear windows - yes the big impossible to find ones -
    for the above mentioned Barracudas. I'm in a pinch so I'll take $500 each
    for them; come & take your pick & carry it home with you. They are both in
    good shape; no fogging, cracks, or anything. No other parts left from the
    cars. I'm above Atlanta about 60 miles.
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"
    ThaDriver, May 11, 2004
  2. ThaDriver

    Steve Guest

    Steve, May 11, 2004
  3. www.ebay.com
    Daniel J. Stern, May 11, 2004
  4. ThaDriver

    ThaDriver Guest

    Hi Steve,
    What is "alt.hi-po.mopars"? I tried it as a .com & even using the www but
    no page there...
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"
    ThaDriver, May 12, 2004
  5. ThaDriver

    Scott Ehardt Guest

    It is a newsgroup, like this one.
    Scott Ehardt, May 12, 2004
  6. ThaDriver

    Steve Guest

    Its a newsgroup, just like this one except under the "alt." heirarchy.
    Your ISP must not carry it on their news server. E-mail them and ask if
    they'll add it.
    Steve, May 12, 2004
  7. ThaDriver

    ThaDriver Guest

    Steve; I don't follow you - is the news group not available on the www? Do
    I need to sign up for it somehow via OutLook Express or something?
    Daniel; what's the ebay link for? There's no rear windows like mine
    there... (???)
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Drive
    ThaDriver, May 13, 2004
  8. ThaDriver

    ThaDriver Guest

    Steve; I don't follow you - is the group not available on the www?
    Daniel; What's the ebay link for? There's no big rear windows there...
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Drive
    ThaDriver, May 13, 2004
  9. The alt.hi-po.mopar group is accessible by the same means you use to
    access this rec.autos.makers.chrysler group.
    THe idea is for you to post yours as an auction there.
    Personally, I think you are waaaaaay out of line at $500/ea.

    Daniel J. Stern, May 13, 2004
  10. ThaDriver

    ThaDriver Guest

    access this rec.autos.makers.chrysler group.
    Well I access this group via the web:
    http://www.talkaboutautos.com/group/rec.autos.makers.chrysler/ & I tried
    pasting "alt.hi-po.mopar" in at different places like
    "http://www.talkaboutautos.com/group/alt.hi-po.mopar/" but it didn't
    work...I got errors or "file not found". Can you give me the full URL?
    Personally, I think you are waaaaaay out of line at $500/ea.
    I thought about it, but hoped someone would find it quicker this way. As
    for being too high; do you know what windows I have? Do you know *any*
    place to get one? Did you know the last one I saw on Ebay was at $500 at
    that time?? (don't know what the final price was) Guess the answer would
    be no on all of the above - LOL.
    Personally, if I were restoring a 'cuda & needed a window I would pay a
    grand for a good one if I *had* to - if I ever found one at all. It just
    depends on the needs & resources of the owner of the car. "If you can't
    afford the parts, maybe you should drive something else." :)
    Thanks for the input,
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"
    ThaDriver, May 14, 2004
  11. ThaDriver

    Steve Guest

    Steve, May 14, 2004
  12. Wrong way to do it.

    http://groups.google.com and navigate from there to both this group
    (rec.autos.makers.chrysler) and the other one (alt.hi-po.mopars).
    I know *exactly* which windows you have, yes.
    Yep, numerous.
    Only if you prefer paying obscene money to doing 20 minutes worth of
    search work. These windows aren't nearly as scarce as you seem to think.

    Daniel J. Stern, May 14, 2004
  13. ThaDriver

    ThaDriver Guest

    Well I did some searching on Yahoo, Google, & Hemmings (alot more than 20
    minites), & came up with one window up north with a price, & two without
    (location unknown). So they *are* available, but not as easy to find
    localy as you think. I need the money & not the windows so I'll consider

    On the link question; I did go to Google & to alt.hi-po.mopars. What I
    don't understand, is who owns/runs the "Google" groups? Why do they
    display the "Talkabout" group as if it's their own? Do they own the
    Talkabout pages? Do they own *any* of the "Google groups"? Very
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"
    ThaDriver, May 17, 2004
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