600 mile range Federal law needed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Bill Putney Guest

    When the choices are the likes of Dean or Kerry or Algore, believe me -
    I'll take Bush. You libs want to get one of your own in office, then
    quit parading around people like Michael Moore, Ted Kennedy, Robert
    "Sheets" Byrd, and George Soros. Your choice. I'm just the messenger.
    Reality is a bitch.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 8, 2005
  2. Nomen Nescio

    Count Floyd Guest

    Didn't the Nash 600 come out in the early '40's claiming 30mpg on a 20
    gallon gas tank?
    Count Floyd, Sep 8, 2005
  3. He has a great monolog about religion where he says he's decided to
    cut all the crap and just worship the sun.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 8, 2005
  4. There's been a lot of those in automotive history. Secret: make the car
    really really light with a really really small underpowered engine. It
    really well until you decide to go up a hill, drive fast on the interstate,
    another bigger car runs into you.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 8, 2005
  5. Nomen Nescio

    Don Guest

    Or we could just fire the supreme court, use voting machines that actually
    work right and get rid of the republikans fixing the elections. Bush never
    did win either election. But then, you probably believe the lies told by the
    bush puppy media.

    Regardless, the facts still remain. We could have more energy efficient
    vehicles in the near future if bush/cheney would quit pandering to the oil
    Don, Sep 8, 2005
  6. Nomen Nescio

    351CJ Guest

    If indeed we can look past your hate of Bush and everything Republican for a
    few minutes, lets look at Clinton's eight years in office and his lack of
    "more energy efficient vehicles". How do you explain your contempt for it
    not happening under Bush, when it never happened under Clinton either???
    You would be much more successful in your endeavor "more energy efficient
    vehicles" if you could untangle that issue from your politics, and identify
    the real obstacles. Your Bush bashing approach really throws your
    credibility into question on this issue.
    351CJ, Sep 9, 2005
  7. Nomen Nescio

    Don Guest

    Under Clinton, a clear majority of the people were not really all too
    concerned with gas prices at an average of about $1.50.

    Under bush, the price of gas has doubled in just 4½ years. Hell, it's gone
    up over a $1.00 in the last month. And we all know it's not because of
    Katrina. Members of both parties D's and R's alike are calling these high
    prices "GOUGING." And since bush is pandering to the oil companies that paid
    his election bills...

    Al Gore did talk about money for "renewable" energy during his campaign, but
    the media would rather have had you believing that all he was good for was
    lying about the internet. And since Al Gore was a member of the Clinton
    administration, I guess under Clinton, something was being done.
    Don, Sep 9, 2005
  8. Nomen Nescio

    Bill Putney Guest

    And the astronauts never went to the moon, and the earth is flat, and
    Sadam never had WMD's, and Bush prayed hurricane Katrina into being and
    hitting the gulf coast. Yeah yeah - heard it all before from the
    lunatic fringe.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 9, 2005
  9. Nomen Nescio

    David Guest

    And it didn't happen under Reagan, nor Carter, Nor Ford, nor Nixon.

    Yes, typical pro-Bush supporter. The hell with freedom of expression.
    Expressing Bush is an idiot who lied and has killed countless American
    soldiers so he can tell his Daddy "Look Daddy, I got Saddam for you, Do you
    forgive me for being an alcohilic cokehead?" is totally wrong. Under the
    bush Administration any anti Bush sentiment is totally uncalled for. He is
    the Best there ever was!!!
    David, Sep 9, 2005
  10. Nomen Nescio

    Bill Putney Guest

    Man - talk about being high on something!! Take deep breaths.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 9, 2005
  11. Nomen Nescio

    Bill Putney Guest

    David wrote:

    So who has been prevented from expressing themselves?
    Go back and read your sentence. You are saying that "Expressing that
    Bush is an idiot who...[did this and that]...is totally wrong". You're
    not even writing logical sentences (besides what you're claiming being
    totally FOS). You should be gellin', not yellin'.

    Once again - you don't appear to be able to get your thoughts out. To
    say that anti-Bush sentiment is uncalled for sounds like you support
    Bush - which I get the distinct impression is not what you are intending
    to say. Again, you're coming off like a crazy man.
    So who is saying that? When you make ludicrous claims about what people
    are saying when they are not saying anything close to what you are
    claiming, as someone else said, you lose credibility. But - hey -
    Michael Moore would be very proud. Keep up the good work. Makes our
    side look good.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 9, 2005
  12. Nomen Nescio

    Greg Houston Guest

    Now Bush is killing? I was under the impression that it was enemy combatants
    and terrorists that were killing. Silly me.
    Welcome back to the group, Lloyd.
    Greg Houston, Sep 9, 2005
  13. Nomen Nescio

    Joe Guest

    You're very confused. Surely you must realize that we WILL have much more
    energy efficient vehicles as long as the price of gas stays VERY HIGH. The
    problem with it right now is it's too low to sell fuel efficient vehicles,
    and nobody will buy them. The technology is child's play.

    It's certainly possible to mandate efficient vehicles, ration gasoline, and
    sell it for 25 cents a gallon (or somewhere in there). Amazingly (to me, at
    least) no country on earth ever did that. They all chose many years ago to
    get the price VERY HIGH instead. America is the only country that tried to
    keep it low and mandate efficiency without rationing. That is because we
    want our poor folks to be able to drive without so much hardship. Other
    countries want their poor to take the bus. It's a different set of ideals.
    In a sense, our plan has backfired, because people switched to trucks (that
    didn't have mandated efficiency) and burned the cheap gas like crazy,
    creating the current and future fuel shortage.

    I realize this is just a urinating contest, and I hope you won't think less
    of me because I said something about it. I just really am having a hard time
    beliving that any liberal could as ignorant as you are pretending to be,
    arguing the opposite side from the one you're supposed to.

    And for pete's sake stop crossposting.
    Joe, Sep 9, 2005
  14. No, it's because OPEC doesen't like it when one of their partners in
    crime gets invaded, even when that partner really needs to get invaded.

    Everyone forgets that the vast majority of people in the Mid East don't
    own cars and have practically no use for all that oil under their feet.
    what they really care about is pushing Israel into the sea. Most of them
    would love nothing better to kill a Jew. We are talking thousands of
    years of animosity and violence between both groups, people, and
    thousands of years of outsiders (like Romans) keeping both groups
    whipped up hating each other as it serves their interests.

    As long as the US is allied with Israel the Mid East Arabs are going to
    consider us their enemies based on the "friend of my enemy is my enemy"
    principle. They have obviously figured out that we want oil and that they
    can hurt us by making us pay a lot of money for it. And the more things we

    do that they don't like the more we are going to pay for it.
    You know, seems to me I recall under Clinton that we already knew that SUV's
    were horrible vehicles and lots of people were trying to find out ways to
    get rid of them or at least cut down their population on the highways. It
    was the Republicans who were publically saying "leave them alone everyone
    should be able to drive whatever they want it's a free country, yappa yappa"

    How ironic that it's Bush's policies are directly responsible for the US
    population turning it's back on the SUV in favor of smaller more fuel
    efficient vehicles. It seems that the more that the Republicans do to try
    discourage government regulation, the more things fall apart and the more
    that the US population demands more regulation. Just look at what happened
    with the push to privatize all the public power utilities.

    A few more years of this and the liberals will be better off with Bush in
    than a real liberal. For years we liberals have tried to warn the US
    of the dangers of doing things the Republican way. So we finally had to let
    the Republicans go ahead and **** things up and they have done such a good
    job of it that it's driven the point we've been trying to make home far far
    than we ever could have.

    Based on Bush's track record this term I think by the time his term is up
    he will have pissed off the US general population so badly that they won't
    voting Republican for another 20 years.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 9, 2005
  15. Nomen Nescio

    Sarge Guest

    : "Or we could just fire the supreme court, use voting machines
    that actually work right and get rid of the republikans fixing the
    elections. Bush never did win either election. But then, you probably
    believe the lies told by the bush puppy media.

    Regardless, the facts still remain. We could have more energy efficient
    vehicles in the near future if bush/cheney would quit pandering to the oil

    Learn the facts. The voting machines did work the idiots voting could not
    vote properly. Unfortunately for you, popular vote does matter as much in a
    presidential election. Then again it could be to your benefit since if we
    counted popular vote some politicians would never get elected because the
    big cities would control the vote.

    By the way every recount showed Bush won.

    Sarge, Sep 9, 2005
  16. Nomen Nescio

    Sarge Guest

    : "And we all know it's not because of Katrina. Members of both
    parties D's and R's alike are calling these high
    prices "GOUGING." And since bush is pandering to the oil companies that paid
    his election bills..."

    What proof do you have that Katrina did not affect the gas prices? Katrina
    shut down all of the Gulf of Mexico oil production, which produces 1/3 of
    the nations energy needs. 9 refineries were shut down for at least a week
    and at present 6 refineries are not running. 2 are in the process of
    starting up. 4 still have flood water in them and cannot begin to start up
    until repairs and clean up are completed. This equates to less gasoline
    being produced and less gasoline means less supply for the same demand.
    Supply and demand will set the price. Simple economics.

    Sarge, Sep 10, 2005
  17. Nomen Nescio

    Eric G Guest

    1 of 2 things will happen when the cars dry out....

    Insurance companies have the 'nads to say : "You didn't see the storm coming, nor did you take advantage of the local gov't warning to leave due to the severity of the storm? The loss of your car was 100% preventable......... Claim Denied"


    They wuss out and EVERYONE will get soaked with higher premiums for their vehicle insurance.

    On a related note, a certain Mayor should be held personally and financially responsible for the loss of all those School Busses, as well as the losses (health and life) resulting from his decision not to use them to evacuate the town, because he called for Greyhound busses so his constituents would be able to leave in style.... And why exactly was the levee system neglected for the past 3 decades? The Army Corps of Engineers supposedly were stymied as to improving the system due to the KNOWLEDGE that they would not survive a cat 3 'cane???? This was NOT a failure in DC. What I learned from the Incident Command System class I took as a Fire Department officer was that FEMA relies on the LOCAL GOV'T following their predetermined emergency plan, which didn't happen. That's the stuff that keeps FEMA from being able to act. Under the ICS model, every entity up to the Feds has a predetermined function, within a specific chain of command. You can't break the chain, because of accountability issues.


    ------- snip ---------

    be an oversupply and the price will crash - until that is, everyone with
    out cars gets their insurance money and runs out and buys new ones which
    they then want to drive all over the place. ;-)

    Eric G, Sep 10, 2005
  18. Nomen Nescio

    Warlock Guest

    it's humor. he's saying that the bush administration is so patently and
    observably incompetent, corrupt and criminal, that it would be superfluous
    for anybody outside of the administration to point it out. although
    humorous, the problem with his logic is that it vastly overestimates the
    intelligence of most americans.

    i'll just keep slapping bumperstickers on my car. my fave right now is the
    one that looks like a bush-cheney campaign sticker, but actually it reads,
    "Moron-Psycho 00-08."

    i've had it on my car for several months and i've received several
    middle-finger salutes as a result. i just raise my .357 sig-sauer in
    return. funny how some of us "tree-hugging libs" pack heat. blows em away
    when they discover it, figuratively speaking.
    Warlock, Sep 10, 2005
  19. Nomen Nescio

    Bill Putney Guest

    Most people trying to be humorous don't simultaneously give the
    impression of simultaneously foaming at the mouth and speaking gibberish.
    Look at the lies he is using to make his point. Again, it comes off as
    lunatic fringe. None of the stuff he is stating as facts are true. For
    example "The hell with freedom of expression." Based on what. You've
    got nothing - and because of that, you won't come back with anything
    honest if at all.
    Yeah - he's so intelligent he can't speak for himself and can't even
    answer a direct question (which you also make no attempt to answer - but
    it's understandable because - once again - you've got nothin' of
    substance to answer with).
    We're all impressed. But not in the way you imagine. I guess you and
    Dave don't like them expressing themselves. Typcial libs. You want to
    be able to say anything you want, but when anyone responds back in a
    disapproving manner, we're suppressing your freedom of expression. But
    - again - that and the ultra hyperbole is what is hurting the democrats

    I read an article by someone who was helping the New Orleans victims,
    and was starting to help a woman who was hunting for some relatives, but
    when the person writing the article saw a Bush bumper sticker on their
    car, they drove off and left them. That's your free-thinking liberal
    for you.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 11, 2005
  20. Nomen Nescio

    Don Guest

    Sounds good to me.
    Don, Sep 11, 2005
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