300M 'Scraping' sound after 20+ miles

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Barry, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. Barry

    Barry Guest

    I have a 2003 300M with 25,000 miles on it. Apart from engine problems
    when new, the only service has been regular oil changes.

    A few weeks ago after a 80 mile drive on the NJ Garden State Parkway I
    heard a 'scraping' or 'swooshing' sound as I departed from the toll
    booth. Applying the brakes did not seem to change the sound which, at
    first, I thought was an aircraft overhead. The sound then disappeared
    and does not recur on short local drives. The sound appears to be
    coming from the right rear of the car, but I am not 100% certain of

    A week later, the same thing after a 25 mile drive. This time I
    thought applying the brakes made it slightly worse, but again it
    disappeared. In all it has now happened four times, so I am taking it
    into a Chrysler dealer next week. The brake pads all look to have
    plenty of life left in them.

    I am asking if anyone can give me their thoughts on possible causes.
    It only seems to occur after running for 20 miles plus continuously.

    I have never been impressed with Chrysler service, after having used
    two so called Five Star Dealers, so any heads up would be appreciated.

    I still have the original Chrysler 7 year warranty that came with the
    car, although I believe their are a couple of local service garages
    (not affiliated with a car brand0 that friends have recommended, who
    say they will honor the warranty.
    Barry, Jul 28, 2007
  2. Barry

    Bill Putney Guest

    Nothing too specific to offer other than brakes and wheel bearing come
    to mind.

    You are aware that there are separate brake shoes for the parking brake
    (rear rotors are a combination rotor - for main brakes - and drum - for
    parking brakes). Did anyone pull the rotor/drum and check for parking
    brake drum/shoe issues (possibly some rust noise?).

    BTW - come on over to the 300M Club: http://300mclub.org/index.php


    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jul 29, 2007
  3. Barry

    maxpower Guest

    There is a metal tab from the brake shield that may be hitting on the rotor.
    It would give you a very loud squeal noise and could come and go as you hit
    the brakes. You will need to slide under the vehicle or raise it to see if
    this is the problem.
    Bill Im surprised you didn't point that out!!

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jul 29, 2007
  4. Barry

    philthy Guest

    sounds like you have a failing wheel bearing
    most all who in my shop say the same thing it sounds like a aircraft
    philthy, Jul 29, 2007
  5. Barry

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    I had this happen 10 years or so ago with a Buick, so an experiment
    for the OP that might prove useful if I may?

    I found that a long gentle curve (about the degree of turn that
    you'd find at an overpass entry/exit ramp would cause it to be
    much more noticeable in one direction; and disappear in the other.

    Perhaps the OP might try something similar after it's warmed up
    and acting up in an empty parking lot or something. Perhaps with
    all the windows open, at a speed where he can hear the squeal well
    without too much wind noise?

    Mind you, mine was a front wheel, so that might have made a

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Jul 29, 2007
  6. Barry

    Bill Putney Guest

    I didn't because he seems to think it's from the rear, plus most people
    would describe the sound from the bent rotor shield as a "squeal" rather
    than a "swooshing" sound. But certainly something he should check for
    (noises often fool people as to which part of the car they're coming from).

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jul 29, 2007
  7. Barry

    Barry Guest

    Many thanks to all the responders for your suggestions and help.

    I think it has always happened after a slight right hand curve. As was
    also mentioned, I agree that I could be wrong that it is definitely
    the right rear wheel, rather than the front right.

    As it looks like bearings are covered under the Maximum Care extended
    warranty, I'll probably take it back to my Chrysler. However, if I am
    not out of line asking, can anyone recommend a Chrysler dealer in the
    Ocean/Monmouth vicinity (Lakewood NJ}.
    Barry, Jul 29, 2007
  8. Barry

    Barry Guest

    Just a quick follow up.

    The Dealer had it yesterday, took it on a run and couldn't hear any
    noise. They checked brakes and bearings and said there were no

    The only thing found was a plastic piece at the front of the car that
    they riveted as it was loose. Couldn't say if that could be the

    I'll just have to listen again after a reasonable run.
    Barry, Aug 2, 2007
  9. Barry

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ahh! The air dam. That was probably it. It is very common for those
    to come loose - and when they do, they can rub on the road, tires, and
    other stuff, adn make noises as you described.

    Thanks for the followup post.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 2, 2007
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