300m 3.5L ticking noise

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by miller68, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. miller68

    miller68 Guest

    I have a 2000 300M with the 3.5L, I have been expericing a "ticking
    noise" at cold start, most noticable after car sits a day or two. The
    first time I took it to the dealer they thought wrist pins or skirt
    rattle. It was under base warranty so they put a crate motor in, low
    and behold a few days later the same situation. After taking it back
    they said there was a service bulliten addressing this problem,
    requiring shims in the overhead???? After doing this we still have
    rattling, took it back and they said they would replace
    lifters????????????? I thought this was a SOCH engine???, anyway, has
    anyone else experienced this problem???? maybe have to switch to a
    synthetic oil????
    The "tick" sounds deeper than roller followers if an ohc. Any input is
    miller68, Feb 5, 2004
  2. miller68

    Bill Putney Guest

    From a thread titled "Ticking noise when car starts" on the 300M ezBoard
    "My car did the same thing for a while as well. Come to find out, it was
    the expansion valve on the A/C line that had gone bad. Ticking noise is
    gone now."

    The first post in the thread is where the OP posts the same symptoms as
    you. The last post is what I pasted above (in between there is a "Fram
    filters are awful" discussion that you can ignore) Seemed like a good
    non-obvious answer for an elussive problem like you appear to be having
    (if it undeed turns out not to be the lifters) - hey it's worth
    consideration since a new motor didn't fix it).

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Feb 5, 2004
  3. miller68

    MoPar Man Guest

    They replaced the engine because of this?! And it didn't solve the
    problem ?!

    Do they need zone manager approval to do this?

    And it could be the AC expansion valve?
    MoPar Man, Feb 5, 2004
  4. miller68

    Bill Putney Guest

    That's according to what the guy posted on the 300M ezBoard. I was kind
    of puzzled too, but I'm just the messenger. 8^) But the fact that a
    new engine was put in and the problem is still there is why I referenced
    the odd-ball solution of the expansion valve.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Feb 5, 2004
  5. miller68

    Steve Guest

    miller68 wrote:

    The 3.5 has rollers at one end of its rockers and a "hydraulic lash
    adjuster" (essentially the internals of a hygraulic lifter) at the other
    end. Don't know if that's your noise or not, but that's how the overhead
    works in that engine, and yes it can "tick" very much like a hydraulic
    lifter. It will also sometimes make a deeper rattling noise briefly (in
    the case of my '93 with over 200,000 miles, less than 1 second) on a
    cold start as all the lash adjusters pressurize.

    But since yours is there even after an engine change, I'd wonder if you
    have an exhaust leak, cracked flex plate, or other problem associated
    with the car and not with the engine itself.
    Steve, Feb 5, 2004
  6. miller68

    miller68 Guest

    Thanks for the help!!!
    miller68, Feb 5, 2004
  7. miller68

    Arthur Begun Guest

    Could the dipstick be wrong? I've found if the oil goes slightly
    below the min mark (wasn't paying attention one month) the engine
    definitely clicks. A little oil to bring it above the minimum mark
    (damn where it should be) and no click. If they stuck in the wrong
    dipstick, that could be your problem.
    Arthur Begun, Feb 6, 2004
  8. miller68

    Daniel Guest

    My guess - just noisy fuel injectors. Sometimes it is best not to worry
    about those little noises your engine makes. That isnof course if you have
    nothing better to worry about.

    Daniel, Feb 6, 2004
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