300C's as beautiful as in the ads

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Frederick Pileggi, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. Where in Long Island are you referring to?
    Just wait a few years when everyone else comes out with RWD cars and
    we will see if that interest is maintained. The powertrain specs are very
    for this car, we won't know how many people who are buying it are just
    putting up with the styling to get the powertrain.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 8, 2004
  2. The rear view of the 300C has styling cues from the old Imperials.

    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Sep 8, 2004
  3. Mid to eastern.
    Next fall the horsepower of the V8 will be up to 405. How many other cars
    in this price class will offer that? Personally, I like both the styling
    and the powertrain. It's the styling that catches people's eyes first, then
    they become interested in the powertrain.
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Sep 8, 2004
  4. Frederick Pileggi

    Geoff Guest

    To the Detroit area, where they're selling extremely well.

    Geoff, Sep 8, 2004
  5. Pfft. I'm reasonably-to-closely familiar with Imperials from '58 through
    '83, and I don't see any of 'em in the 300C.
    Daniel J. Stern, Sep 8, 2004
  6. Frederick Pileggi

    Jay Guest

    I work at a large medical facility. The doctor's parking lot that used to
    be filled with Land Rovers, Mercedes 500 classes, Porsches, and H2s is
    starting to sport quite a few 300Cs. I mentioned to one of the surgeons
    that the torsion bar rear suspension on his Mercedes 500G was pretty cool (a
    new take on an old idea), and he asked, "What's a torsion bar?". And if you
    talk to any of them about their 300Cs you'll immediately be told they're,
    "Mercedes with Chrysler badges". Now try and find a doctor with dirt under
    his/her nails or a lot of points on their licenses (gross generalization I
    know). Ask one about powertrains and they'll wonder what Amtrack has to do
    with cars. They buy for style, prestige, and the Jones's approval.
    Obviously they think the C fits that bill.

    50's: Had to have at least one part from an airplane ('57 Caddy)
    60's: Looked fast standing still (Take your pick)
    70's: Early, whales (Olds 98) - Late, small for small's sake (Chevette)
    80's: Boxes (Caprice)
    90's: Eggs (Caprice)
    00's: Best features of boxes and eggs (300C, Nissan Frontier, Cadillac cars,
    '04 F150, etc.)

    Again, it's all so subjective and many people are influenced by the
    magazines and the Jones'. Since a lot of car folks are also motorcycle
    folks, some examples: Mid 80's Suzuki Madura 1200; walked away from a V-Max
    and got lots of favorable looks from pedestrians but every bike mag
    complained about the looks/styling so it died after only 2 years. Another
    Suzuki example; current DL1000 V Strom. Bike of the year and/or in the top
    three for the last three years by all the mags, but not without mentioning
    how ugly they look.

    BTW, I like the Cs. I still have the '89 New Yorker Landau I bought new
    because it still works really well at getting me down the road. Also a
    DL1000 V Strom because it does everything and I'm the only kid on my block
    with one.

    Jay, Sep 12, 2004
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