300C vs Monaro vs Jag S

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. Last night on a BBC channel Top Gear, probably the UK's premier TV motoring
    programme, ran a head-to-head test of three "muscle cars":
    - Vauxhall Monaro (i.e. the Holden from Australia)
    - 300C (which is coming to the UK with RHD next year)
    - souped-up Jaguar S with 4-litre engine.

    The panel of three -- including the known-in-the-USA Jeremy Clarkson --
    voted 2:1 for the Monaro, the minority vote going for the Jag.

    All three did not like the 300C's ride/handling or interior, but did like
    its imposing appearance ("designed by Al Capone") and its relatively low

    Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 26, 2004
  2. Is the Monaro the same as the Pontiac GTO? The GTO is a relabled Holden.
    General Schvantzkoph, Oct 26, 2004
  3. Correct, the Holden/Vauxhall is the Pontiac GTO, though I don't know how
    many changes are made in the tramsition, other than the location of the
    steering wheel. Probably only few.

    All General Motors, innit?

    Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 26, 2004
  4. The styling of the GTO doesn't strike anything in me. Haven't seen very
    many on the road but perhaps the styling will grow on me. As for the 300C I
    wonder what it was about the ride that the reviewers didn't like. I like
    the ride of mine and with 9,000 miles on the odometer there are no squeeks
    or anthing of the sort in the interior. This is one solid well-built car.
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Oct 26, 2004
  5. Dori A Schmetterling

    Art Guest

    You'll be happy to know that according to a news report I just heard it took
    top honors for safety in new tests.
    Art, Oct 26, 2004
  6. | | > Correct, the Holden/Vauxhall is the Pontiac GTO, though I don't know how
    | > many changes are made in the tramsition, other than the location of the
    | > steering wheel. Probably only few.
    | >
    | > All General Motors, innit?
    | >
    | > DAS
    | The styling of the GTO doesn't strike anything in me. Haven't seen very
    | many on the road but perhaps the styling will grow on me. As for the 300C I
    | wonder what it was about the ride that the reviewers didn't like. I like
    | the ride of mine and with 9,000 miles on the odometer there are no squeeks
    | or anthing of the sort in the interior. This is one solid well-built car.

    The Pontiac GTO, the last I checked, is selling worse than their Pontiac Aztec
    James C. Reeves, Oct 26, 2004
  7. Dori A Schmetterling

    RPhillips47 Guest

    Perhaps the fact that the reviewers are British, reviewing two vehicles built
    for British roads, and the 300C is built for American roads, which I would
    assume (having never been to Britain) are quite different????? As for the GTO -
    it isn't, it can't, and it never will be a GTO (there is more to a GTO than
    just pasting three letters on a car).
    RPhillips47, Oct 27, 2004
  8. Dori A Schmetterling

    Nate Nagel Guest

    Which is a crying shame, because it's the closest thing to a Real
    Car(tm) that Generic Motors has offered in the US for quite a while,
    with the possible exception of the C6.

    Nate Nagel, Oct 27, 2004
  9. General Motors - Drifting Lackadaisically In The Vague Direction Of
    Improvement, We Gradually Catch On. Our Products Could Be Better, But Hey,
    They're Better Than Before.

    The only problem with this highly representative corporate slogan is that
    it's REAL damn tough to fit on a seatbelt pushbutton unless you use a
    *super* tiny font. So they stick with "GM - Mark of Excrement" or
    something similar.
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 27, 2004
  10. Wallows, rides like a "boat". Also inability to turn off electric aids for
    testing performance limits (which, I think, won't bother most 'ordinary'

    I was looking for a writeup on the website
    but I expect it's too recent. Maybe they don't give detailed TV programme
    notes, concentrating on the printed magazine.

    Clicking on a 300C review failed to bring up a useful page.

    But there are some nice pics:


    As for the 300C I
    Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 27, 2004
  11. It sure doesn't "ride like a boat".
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Oct 27, 2004
  12. Dori A Schmetterling

    Guest Guest

    While the GTO is a decent car, it has some things going against it.
    First of all, it is rather pricey. Also, it looks too much like a
    Cavalier on steroids for its intended market, which is more into the
    "boy racer" treatment with fake hood scoops, etc. Also, the GTO has a
    tiny trunk for such a big car.

    The Aztek is horribly ugly, at least to most people, but with the big
    rebates and not-too-high sticker, it is a good buy for how roomy it is.
    I have two friends who own Azteks. Both are kind of embarrassed to be
    seen driving them, but they bought them because they were a good value.
    Guest, Oct 27, 2004
  13. It'd be helpful to know whether they tested the NAFTA or the BUX ECE model
    of the car. The suspension and braking tests required for ECE type
    approval (which, in turn, is required of all new cars sold in the EU) are
    absent in North American safety standards, and NAFTA models are (still!)
    tuned for more of the proverbial "Boulevard ride" compared to export
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 27, 2004
  14. Are you sure you want me to respond to your comment? I think it was you who
    was rather generally scathing about my posts.

    Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 27, 2004
  15. Makes no nevermind to me whether you choose to do so or not.
    Don't take it personally; I treat all stupid posts the same way regardless
    of who's responsible for them.
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 27, 2004
  16. Dori A Schmetterling

    Steve Guest

    Yep, GM completely blew it on the GTO. Its barely distinguishable from a
    Grand Prix. Great mechanically and performance-wise, but the GTO name
    needs style to go with it or its nothing.
    Steve, Oct 27, 2004
  17. Dori A Schmetterling

    Guest Guest

    It probably does "ride like a boat" compared to the Monaro and Jaguar.
    The last time I was in the UK (it's been a few years, but I doubt much
    has changed) the roads in the countryside were very well maintained and
    smooth, but often twisty, and fun. On the other hand, many parts of the
    U.S. have pot holes, rough expansion joints, etc. but go mostly in
    straight lines. Therefore, the 300 suspension may be "better tuned" for
    North American roads, but compared to most European cars, it probably
    "rides like a boat." The solution, of course, is to build 300's with
    somewhat stiffer suspension for the European market. To my knowledge,
    there are no plans to build right hand drive 300's, so they sell only a
    handful in the UK, no matter how well the suspension works. Someone
    please post if I am wrong and they ARE building right hand drive 300's.
    Guest, Oct 28, 2004
  18. For all it's faults, terrible visability and general uglyness, the 300
    does not ride like a boat. Quite the contrary it has extrodinary handling.
    The 300C is a Mercedes E Class with a huge Chrysler engine and heavier
    components. When I test drove the 300 and the 300C they stuck to the road
    like glue. I test drove a BMW and the Acura TL on the same day and neither
    could compare, the 300C was in a completely different class. I only wish
    that Chrysler would offer a more attractive body style with properly sized
    windows and call it an Imperial or New Yorker or something. I'd love to
    have a car that drove like a 300 but also had a rear window that was large
    enough that you could parallel park it. BTW I previously compared the
    300's visabilty to a submarine, that's unfair to the new Virginia class
    attack subs that have just been launched. The Virginia class subs have
    done away with the periscope and replaced it with digital displays. If
    Chrysler would add a good digital display (I think Lexus has one in an
    SUV) they could fix their design mistake the the tiny windows.
    General Schvantzkoph, Oct 28, 2004
  19. Dori A Schmetterling

    Steve Guest

    They do... its called 'Magnum.' :)

    The more Magnums I see, the better they look. The low rakish look WORKS
    with the Wagon body lines much better than with the notch-backed profile
    and big-mouth grille on the 300.
    Steve, Oct 28, 2004
  20. I do like the Magnum better than the 300, but it's a station wagon. If
    there was a sedan version of the Magnum I'd be interested.
    General Schvantzkoph, Oct 28, 2004
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