300C gallery

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Lloyd Parker, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Lloyd Parker

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Thanks. That's a good link. I wish Dodge had one on the Magnum.

    I just found Dodge has a "heritage" option on its site -- nice trip down
    memory lane!
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 8, 2003
  2. Lloyd Parker

    Art Begun Guest


    Chrysler has a gallery of photo's up if you are interested. The small
    pictures that you click on look terrible and I first assumed that they
    would just be enlarged. However it turns out that you actually get
    nice full size shots of the 300C when you click on the small pictures.
    The finished product would be fine if the grill was optional.
    Art Begun, Oct 8, 2003
  3. | http://www.chrysler.com/300series/index.html?context=homepage&type=promo2
    | Chrysler has a gallery of photo's up if you are interested. The small
    | pictures that you click on look terrible and I first assumed that they
    | would just be enlarged. However it turns out that you actually get
    | nice full size shots of the 300C when you click on the small pictures.
    | The finished product would be fine if the grill was optional.

    The 300C the next 300 series? Wouldn't/shouldn't the next series be the
    "n"? In any event, it's too ''70's/80's "boxy" on the outside and too '60's
    "brite" on the inside.
    James C. Reeves, Oct 8, 2003
  4. Lloyd Parker

    Martin Boer Guest

    If you compare the 300C with the newset lineup from Mercedes you'll
    see why it looks the way it looks.
    I'm afraid that Chrysler is now nothing more then a renamed Merc, just
    like Dodges are renamed Chryslers.
    Martin Boer, Oct 9, 2003
  5. Lloyd Parker

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Yeah, that rebadged Chrysler Neon and Viper!
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 9, 2003
  6. Lloyd Parker

    Steve Guest

    Yes, but since 2005 is the 50th anniversary of the original C300 (there
    was no '300A') I guess they're resetting the counter, so to speak.
    I wouldn't say either of those things... and 60's brite would be
    WONDERFUL if it were implemented with chrome, machine-turned stainless,
    and white leather! I'm SICK of grey, black, and tan interiors. Those
    colors are to 90s and 00's car interiors what avocodo and 'harvest
    gold' were to 70s kitchen appliances. What ever happened to deep red,
    pure white, dark green, bright red, and even blue interiors?

    If I have any complaint, its that it looks too "2000s chiselled" to me.
    Way too much like the Cadillac CTS and other slab-sided things with
    oddly placed and oddly angled flat facets everywhere.

    But overall, I actually like it.
    Steve, Oct 9, 2003
  7. I was planning to buy a 300 sometime in 2006/2007. Geuss not after all.
    Don't like it kne bit. I MUCH prefer something closer to the current aero
    style...it makes Chrysler vehicles stand out from just about anything out
    there. This thing is boxy like everybody else now!
    James C. Reeves, Oct 10, 2003
  8. Lloyd Parker

    Joe Guest

    I love it. Does anybody know which Mercedes is under there?

    And how can you assert that any jelly bean, Chrysler or otherwise, could
    stand out anywhere? Not happening in my world. The 300M is just a jelly bean
    with a chrome grille.
    Joe, Oct 12, 2003
  9. Lloyd Parker

    Tom Arneson Guest

    The interesting thing about the gallery is that Chrysler says it is
    introducing Three 300's next year. The 300C is one. In Frankfurt,
    they showed a 300 Touring wagon, sort of like the Dodge Magnum. That
    leaves one more (and also gives some basis for the claim that the
    Pacifica may be discontinued sometime soon, although all it really
    needs is a better engine -- hemi anyone?)
    Tom Arneson, Oct 12, 2003
  10. Practicality. Black interiors don't show the dirt. White interiors in a
    are like a white carpet - it only looks good the day after it's installed, 2
    weeks later it looks grungy and it's going to look grungy forever after.

    Grey is a compromise color, it doesen't hide the dirt as well as black,
    but it doesen't heat up red hot in the summertime. Tan is along the same

    The problem with the bright colors like blue, red, green, etc. is that
    over time, they fade and the worst part is that depending on the material,
    they fade at different rates. I've seen dashboards where from the factory
    they were all the same color, but 5 years later they were multicolored.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 12, 2003
  11. Lloyd Parker

    Brayton Guest

    My first thought upon seeing the 300C picture (and after the laughter
    had subsided) was that this was a Bentley. Completely looks like a Bentley.
    Why do so many 'nice' cars have to be so damn FUGLY.
    Brayton, Oct 12, 2003
  12. Lloyd Parker

    RPhillips47 Guest

    Apparently you have no knowledge of Chrysler history. Go to the Chrysler
    website and take a look at their archives - circa 1953-1954 - then come back
    here and tell us you still think it looks like a Bentley. You will find how
    much of a mis-statement you have made. If you still think it looks like a
    Bentley, it isn't Chrylser that copied the design.
    RPhillips47, Oct 13, 2003
  13. Lloyd Parker

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    How anybody could think it looked like a Bentley is a mystery to me.
    A really, really bad parody of an early-50s Chrysler -- you know, the
    era in which they were thought of as engineering marvels, but with
    syling by those same engineers -- yes, that I can see.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Oct 13, 2003
  14. Lloyd Parker

    Joe Guest

    No, he's right. Its derivation can't change what it looks like. I appreciate
    the styling, but it's okay to admit it looks like a Bentley. Personally, I
    like the car. I might actually be a potential customer. Do you realize that
    he in no way suggested they actually copied Bentley, but you had to defend
    them by arguing that they did copy 50-year-old ideas? From Ghia? Is that
    smart? If that's not what you meant, then in the future let that be an
    encouragement to reveal what you mean.

    This caused me to look back at the concept cars that produced this 300. I
    think I like the Chronos and phaeton show cars better than the 300, but I'm
    not complaining. The Chronos is a pure Ghia knockoff, while the phaeton sure
    reminded me of the Facel Vega. The roofline and back especially. It would
    have looked French no matter what they did to it. If they raised the roof to
    adjust the Chronos toward a production automobile, it would have looked more
    like a Chrysler. The 300C, as much as I like it, looks like it has
    production Mercedes rear sheet metal.
    Joe, Oct 13, 2003
  15. Lloyd Parker

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    The rear suspension is similar to that of the E-class. The transmission is
    the 5-speed currently offered on most models. That's basically it (maybe some
    parts like steering components or brakes, but nothing else major).
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 13, 2003
  16. Lloyd Parker

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    I've read the Chrysler version of the touring wagon will be sold in Europe
    only; we get the Chrysler sedan and Dodge wagon here (and later reportedly a
    Dodge sedan). There are still rumors a 300C convertible is coming.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 13, 2003
  17. Lloyd Parker

    MoPar Man Guest

    (sigh ...)

    I see the piece-of-shit 300C is making the rounds again.

    Hmm. Does this mean that the pics on that link actually show the
    production version? Seems to look idential to the garbage that was
    shown at the NYC auto show in April. Is Chrysler not going to make a
    full-blown debut of this abomination at the Detroit Auto Show in
    January - by showing the public the real thing for the first time? Or
    is it going to keep leaking it out like the diarrhea that it is...

    Still looks like it has the 19" wheels that practically make the front
    fenders disappear. Boy, I'll bet the slow leaks from those rims will
    be fun to service after a couple of years (not to mention the cost of
    tires in that size).

    If you don't think it looks like a Bentley, compare it with this:


    Even the contour of the hoods match!

    The interior styling sucks bigtime. Looks plain and sterile. No
    style whatsoever. Pure utilitarian - something I'd expect in an
    entry-level vehicle (or an operating room). Obviously Chrysler is
    planning massive changes to the interior in later years so they're
    starting with an extremely plain and low-budget interior.

    This is your grandfather's Chrysler.


    Jeeves where are you? Bring the car around.
    MoPar Man, Oct 14, 2003
  18. Lloyd Parker

    Brayton Guest

    Actually, I couldn't care less about Chrysler history and how it
    supposedly influenced the design of this model. I was simply stating that
    the initial gut reaction to the appearance of this four-wheeled device was
    that it resembled a Bentley. I don't care who copied someone else's style,
    Brayton, Oct 14, 2003
  19. Lloyd Parker

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    It would seem so.

    You're entitled to your opinion, but don't act like your opinion is fact.
    No, I suggest you compare it to what's coming out of Infiniti, Jaguar, Lexus,
    and Audi now.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 14, 2003
  20. Lloyd Parker

    mic canic Guest

    i seen one in alburn hills it was all covered up but the hemi was the option i
    was told along with that a.w.d.
    the new wrangler version and it's a 4dr sharing the chassis of another vehicle
    the hemi c is in production now as we speak
    mic canic, Oct 15, 2003
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