300C Fuel economy

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by General Schvantzkoph, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. General Schvantzkoph

    Steve Guest

    Austin gets its own "new and disimproved" formula (one of the 20-odd
    blends stupidly mandated in various parts of the country), which changed
    about a year ago. The new stuff smells like kerosene and promptly
    dissolved an old plastic air cleaner spacer on one of my carbureted
    cars, but really doesn't seem to hurt gas mileage (on either the EFI or
    carbureted cars0 as much as the "winter formula" gas that we got prior
    to this latest re-forumlation.
    Steve, Jun 18, 2004
  2. General Schvantzkoph

    Philip Lee Guest

    I've got about 1200 miles on my 300C and can give you the following report:

    Around town in Atlanta, I am averaging ~15 mpg.

    I recently took a trip down to Auburn AL, (about 150 miles away), and set
    the cruise at 78, with cruise control on, the MDS gets to take maximum
    effect and my mileage improved to 22 mpg.

    I expect mileage to improve more when no A/C is necessary, and if I cruised
    a bit slower.

    Bottom line though, if you put your foot in it, you automatically give up
    any decent gas mileage.

    It's pretty cool to watch the gas mileage on a recent reset after fillup on
    the road. On level ground you can see the MDS kick in, (but don't feel it),
    as the average mpg begins to tick up. When you begin an uphill pull, but
    before the cruise applies more power, you can see the MDS kick off and the
    mpg begins to tick down.
    Philip Lee, Jun 27, 2004
  3. General Schvantzkoph

    Bill Putney Guest

    And after it has a chance to wear in a little more after a few more

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Jun 27, 2004
  4. Glad to read your post as my magnum with the hemi engine is getting about
    same mileage around town. But here in Rancho Cucamonga, California I do a
    lot of uphill driving.

    "The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is
    like an eggs-and-ham breakfast:
    The chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'."

    Just Me \Koi\, Jun 27, 2004
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