300C Easter Egg

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Sharkman, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. Sharkman

    Sharkman Guest

    Found this on one of the forums.
    On the steering wheel, if you press the music note and the compass
    simultaneously for about 10 seconds, you will get some interesting stats in
    the EVIC window. This is for the 2005:
    Page 1 - CCN SW P/N
    Page 2 - Speed/RPM/Coolant Temp/BattV
    Page 3 - Temp_AVG/Temp_RAW/Pedal_Position
    Page 4 - Compass/Compass_RAW
    Page 5 - Left/Right fuel tank level info
    Page 6 - last VTA trig (???)
    Page 7 - Chime request info

    The 2006 has a page that has a digital speedometer and another page that I
    have no idea what it is.
    Sharkman, Dec 6, 2005
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