300C and Magnum cars -- First impressions from NAIAS (long)

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Geoff, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. I am guardedly optimistic about the prospects of DCX in general and
    Chrysler in particular. The 300C is an attractive car, and for the
    money, it's a V8 RWD Sedan with a hemi engine for under 35k. That's
    pretty impressive, and for many people, that's all they really need.

    I've been a lifelong Chrysler fan and I've even written about how I've
    thought DCX was going to ruin Chrysler, and maybe they have. But,
    pre-buyout Chrysler had some problems of its own that we seem to
    overlook. Fit and finish on the interiors were always so-so at best,
    but Chrysler's transmissions oft left something to be desired. How
    many Chrysler Cirrus owners are out there that need a new tranny at
    90k miles? How many Neon owners?

    I for one am looking forward to test driving the Dodge Magnum, and I
    certainly welcome the Mercedes transmission in the 300C.
    Todd Bandrowsky, Feb 3, 2004
  2. Geoff

    Geoff Guest

    Yep. I think it just might save 'em. We'll see.

    Geoff, Feb 3, 2004
  3. I've never been a Chrysler fan one way or the other.
    In 1960 when I was a junior in HS my parents bought a '59 Dodge D-500
    convertable, white with red tail fins. THAT really impressed me. It also
    impressed my classmates whom I used to beat in drag races. ;)

    I owned a '59 Plymouth between '65 and '67 after I totalled a '65 VW
    with no insurance. I paid $250 for it and it served me well until I had
    paid off enough of the loan on the VW to buy a '67 Mustang in "candy
    apple red."

    I've always liked the look of the PT cruiser, but the 4 cylinder engine
    turned me off.

    IMO, the Dodge Magnum Hemi is like a PT Cruiser with attitude!!
    I'd really like to have one one, but I'm retired and hardly ever go
    anywhere. It would be a pretty stupid purchace since my '90 Toyota Camry
    is serving me well for little trips to the store.

    However, you only live once and it's about time for a new car.

    I was glad to see this thread. After seeing the Magnum on the Super Bowl
    and surfing the net for info, I subscribed to this NG to see what people
    were saying about it.

    P.S. Doesn't the Magnum Hemi have the Mercedes transmission too? I
    thought I read that it did.
    Charlie Dilks, Feb 3, 2004
  4. Geoff

    Steve Guest

    Chrysler *used* to make the best transmission in the world (the A-727
    and A-904), and really the only questionable one was the 41TE. If you
    think it had problems, just wait until you try to live with one of those
    Rube Goldberg piece of *&#@@ transmissions that Mercedes builds. I love
    the Hemi, but I'd only buy it if they use the same transmission that the
    trucks have been getting. Last I heard, though, it will have a Mercedes
    junker in it.
    Steve, Feb 3, 2004
  5. Geoff

    Steve Guest

    Charlie Dilks wrote:

    Yep, the only time you get a real Chrysler transmission is if you buy a
    truck. And its no longer the tried-and-true A-518, but I'm not hearing
    too many gripes about the new one. A real shame they didn't shoehorn it
    into the cars as well as the trucks, it would have been a nice
    drivetrain without a piece of Mercedes bubblegum between the engine and
    rear wheels :-(
    Steve, Feb 3, 2004
  6. Geoff

    robs440 Guest

    yep....gotta love those 727s!

    robs440, Feb 19, 2004
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