300 or Magnum questions ask me, i work there i can tell you?

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Bob Sacamano, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. Bob Sacamano

    Bob Sacamano Guest

    I would like to help anyone thinking of one, so please ask???
    Bob Sacamano, Jul 14, 2004
  2. Bob Sacamano

    Bill Putney Guest

    Where is "there"? If it's the factory, you better phone home. Several
    factory guys got in trouble last year (lost their jobs temporarily, then
    re-instated with severe warnings) for being too free with information on
    internet forums.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Jul 14, 2004
  3. Bob Sacamano

    MoPar Man Guest

    Is the build quality really best on units built on Wednesdays or
    Thursdays, and worst on Mondays and Fridays?
    MoPar Man, Jul 15, 2004
  4. Bob Sacamano

    MoPar Man Guest

    Wasn't that for posting pictures of the 300?

    Hard to imagine what the line workers could post or divulge at this
    point that would get them into trouble.

    Not like the guy that ran the car-truck web site. Now that got DC
    upset enough to arrange for that guy to share a condo with Jimmy
    MoPar Man, Jul 15, 2004
  5. Bob Sacamano

    Art Guest

    What happens if the engine is built on Friday but the car assembled on
    Wednesday. And suppose it is Thanksgiving week and they are going to have a
    4 day weekend.
    Art, Jul 15, 2004
  6. Bob Sacamano

    MoPar Man Guest

    Ok, I'll agree that something like the engine assembly (tranny too) is
    important. But I'd imagine that those items leave very little room
    for variability due to human factors. On the extreme side, I could
    say that it doesn't matter AT ALL when a given Intel CPU was made
    (thanksgiving drinking binge the day before or not).

    If I had a choice (and in this case buyers do, if they know how) I'd
    choose when the car was assembled (as opposed to major components like
    engine and tranny). LOTS of human factors involved in making panels
    fit, and preventing SQUEEKS and RATTLES. Again, this used to be the
    stuff of urban legend. Like finding (beer?) bottles inside door
    panels of cars assembled on monday (or was that friday?).
    MoPar Man, Jul 15, 2004
  7. Bob Sacamano

    Bill Putney Guest

    Oh yeah - that was that Cadillac, and in the bottle was a hand-written
    note that said "If you could afford to buy this car, you can afford to
    pay to find this bottle". I knew the brother of a friend of the guy
    whose cousin that happened to. Around the time that another guy bought
    a WWII military motorcycle still packed in cosmoline for $200, but no
    one's ever seen it, and, wouldn't you know it, they're all gone now!

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Jul 15, 2004
  8. Bob Sacamano

    mic canic Guest

    those pics were taken on i75 in oakland county,mi
    i recognized the road ,right near the tech center
    come to milford and take pics of gm cars that are driving around that
    are not in prduction yet
    they are easy to see if you know what you are looking for
    mic canic, Jul 15, 2004
  9. Bob Sacamano

    Art Guest

    Actually a documented hilarious case was a giant pile of nuts or bolts left
    under a rear Pinto seat. That one made the national tv news shows. Guy
    complained of rattles and they pull out the seat and tons of hardware
    underneath. No extra charge.
    Art, Jul 15, 2004
  10. Bob Sacamano

    Dan Gates Guest

    Now I do know guys that have found V12 WW2 aircraft engines packed in
    oil in a pressurized "barrel". I've seen the barrels that they came in.

    The engines ended up making a lot of horsepower and noise in pulling
    tractors and hydroplanes.

    Dan Gates, Jul 16, 2004
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