300 Convertible

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Marty, Dec 26, 2004.

  1. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Does any know, FOR SURE if the 300C convertible is going to be built, and
    Please advise. . .
    Marty, Dec 26, 2004
  2. Marty

    MoPar Man Guest

    Look here:


    Chrysler already built a convertible 300C 4 years ago.

    And then Daimler swept it under the carpet.

    Looks WAY better than anything BMW or Mercedes has EVER put on 4

    Looks light-years better than the current 300C monstrosity.

    You can't tell me that a hard-top version of this car wouldn't look
    awesome compared to the piece of shit they're currently making...
    MoPar Man, Dec 27, 2004
  3. Marty

    RPhillips47 Guest

    Ahhhhh, Mopey, your same old line never changes and you continue to keep hoping
    the past will return and continue NOT accepting the present - poor baby!
    Chrysler did NOT build a 300C convertible four years ago but DID build a
    concept vehicle. You should learn what the difference is. As for "the current
    300C monstrosity"..."piece of shit they're currently making", live with it as
    it is here to stay and, judging from public reaction and sales, a considerably
    large number of people like it compared to those that don't. As for the looks
    of that OLD concept vehicle of four years ago, it was nothing more than an
    update with a Hemi.
    RPhillips47, Dec 27, 2004
  4. Marty

    RPhillips47 Guest

    ......and one other thing, Mopey, the name was "Chrysler 300 Hemi C", not
    "300C". As you continue to dredge up the past, please do it correctly!!!!!!!!!
    RPhillips47, Dec 27, 2004
  5. Marty

    Marty Guest

    I guess I shouldn't have asked...
    Because I never did get an answer, to the question
    IS DaimlerChrysler going to build and sell the 300 Convertible???
    Thanks for your information, (if you have the correct information)
    Marty, Dec 27, 2004
  6. *shakes the magic 8-ball*

    "Answer unclear. Ask again later."

    *shakes the magic 8-ball again*


    *shakes the magic 8-ball again*

    "Signs point to No."

    *shakes the magic 8-ball again*

    "Yes, definitely."

    *shakes the magic 8-ball again*

    "Quit shaking me, goddammit!"
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 27, 2004
  7. Marty

    MoPar Man Guest

    All right, I'll continue my bitching to the DC rep's at the Detroit
    auto show next month.

    But here's what I think you're looking for.

    What is the Newport Convertible they're talking about? Any pictures
    of that?

    Is the Sebring still available? Sebring convertible?

    Will car-truck.com ever come back?



    Chrysler 300 Convertible
    Posted: Dec 1, 2004 6:38 PM

    Trevor Creed, head of Design [and the guy you can blame for the 300C
    hemi-tank/submarine/gansta-car], says a 300C Convertible is "not in
    the Chrysler group's plans because of the engineering changes required
    to build a four-door convertible".

    Me thinks he doth protest too much.

    The last four-door convertible I can remember was the early-sixties
    "Presidential" Lincoln Continental. Before that they were quite common
    in the forties and fifties, and looking back, combined elegance and

    With the design advances since then in suspension, chassis stiffness,
    materials, and wheels and tires surely it is not a great technical
    challenge to build one today. The aftermarket (Newport Convertible)
    have already done it!

    I think Mr. Creed is using code to tell us that he is not sure the
    market is big enough to support such a car, so he wants to leave it to
    the aftermarket to produce and see how it sells before plunging in
    with a factory commitment.

    This, however will make it much more expensive - from $ 10,000 to $
    15,000 more per unit versus probably $ 3,000 if produced at the
    Brampton, Ontario factory.

    The Newport Convertible version of the 300C shown at SEMA looked
    fabulous, as long as the factory smoothes the junction where the
    soft-top meets the body behind the rear seat, and loses the roll hoop
    behind the front seat.

    Then they would have another winner and continue to dominate the RWD
    full-size mid-priced market with still another model while Ford and GM
    dither. To reduce proliferation, it might be necessary to forgo the
    SRT-8 version of the 300C Convertible, but even in basic Hemi mode it
    would be very attractive, fill a unique niche, and be affordable.

    This is not the time for Chrysler Design to get cold feet. With
    annualized sales of the 300 now topping 150,000 - twice what they were
    expecting, they should push on with this convertible! If it is
    successful, Dodge can follow with a two-door convertible Charger and
    the maybe the "coupe" crowd will finally stop whining.
    MoPar Man, Dec 28, 2004
  8. Marty

    RPhillips47 Guest

    ...........and I bet they will really listen???!!!
    RPhillips47, Dec 28, 2004
  9. They will not be able to make the current 300C model look close to this
    sweet as a convertable.
    James C. Reeves, Dec 28, 2004
  10. I've never gotten that last answer before. I'd better keep shaking!!!
    James C. Reeves, Dec 28, 2004
  11. Marty

    MoPar Man Guest

    Here ya go:


    Just the pic:


    Chrysler 300C Cabriolet:
    The Aftermarket Delivers a 300C-As In Convertible

    Published Date: 11/22/04

    The only known cure for a post-Specialty Equipment Market Association
    soiree hangover is to talk about SEMA for as long as possible. That’s
    why we drove to Newport Convertible Engineering Inc. in Placentia,
    California, to pilot a stylin’ white Chrysler 300C convertible that
    was out in front of the Las Vegas Convention Center during the SEMA

    You can have your Chrysler dealer send a 300C to NCE to have the work
    done or bring in your own car. See newportconvertible.com for more

    See also:


    Chrysler 300C Targa Top:

    300 Hurst:

    How about the landau top?

    MoPar Man, Dec 28, 2004
  12. Marty

    WVK Guest

    To me both 300 and the Magnum "over styled" (like the PT cruser and VW
    new bug) but it is hard to argue with success.

    WVK, Dec 28, 2004
  13. Marty

    Marty Guest

    That is it.
    AWSOME ! !
    thank YOU !
    for the site :)
    Marty, Dec 28, 2004
  14. Marty

    buckaroo'd Guest

  15. Marty

    MoPar Man Guest

    Word is that an auto customizer will have a convertible 300C at the
    Detroit auto show. If true, it will probably be on the lower level
    (where you do down the escalator through the VW exibit to get to).

    Last year they had some Hummers down there with 24 and 28" wheels
    (which cost $30k for a set).

    Anyone going this year?
    MoPar Man, Jan 8, 2005
  16. Marty

    frenchy Guest

    The current 300 styling is growing on me but I still love the previous
    model and I would have killed for a 2-door convertible version of a
    nice big classy car in a ragtop like that. Seems nobody, not just
    Chrysler, is in the mood to build convertibles out of their largest
    cars, always going for medium and small cars like Sebring, the Pontiac
    G6, PT etc. And now Chrysler is getting rid of their two door cars
    completely (I think I read that somewhere a few days ago?) so that
    pretty much zips it up for them on a big convertible IMO. As for the
    current 300, I wouldn't exactly run to the dealership if they made a
    convertible of that body...Frenchy
    frenchy, Jan 8, 2005
  17. Marty

    frenchy Guest

    Stinkin' roll bar ! >: P

    frenchy, Jan 10, 2005
  18. Marty

    Geoff Guest

    I'll be there sometime during the event. Not sure at this point when.

    Geoff, Jan 10, 2005
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