Hello All. First time poster, long time reader. So, I decided to save myself some $$$ and do the 150K service on my 95 NYer myself. Went to the local parts store and picked up a new PCV valve, air filter, and 6 Bosch Platinum plugs. Everything went easy except the plugs. Haynes said .050" for a 95. I took each out and they were about .038" which was about what each one was out of the box. Tried partially removing air plenum to get a #6. Real PITA getting the gasket lined up when bolting back on. Wish I saw that post about pushing wires from the front to get slack before I started. So, I go to fire it up, and it cranks like there's no end, but won't fire. All plug wires seem to be secured OK. Blink codes tell me 12 43 43 (yes twice) 32 and 55. So, I'm guessing I hosed the plugs or wires (used existing set). It was running fine when I pulled it in so I am 99% sure something I did today. I'd like to know which cylinders to look at rather than just randomly trying. Does anyone know how to further debug the 43s? I don't want to pay for a tow, and the tool looks really expensive for a novice like me. Any helpful suggestions are appreciated. Thanks Chico