3.3L downshifting by self after replacing Engine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Warmen, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. Bob Warmen

    Bob Warmen Guest

    Any advice for my wife's '96 T&C Chrysler Minivan that is doing
    strange things after replacing blown 3.3L engine with lower millage


    1) My mechanic is competent and have used him for years;

    2) 3.3L engine blew at 135,000 miles and asked my mechinic to
    find/replace the 3.3L engine;

    3) After much time, found 65,000 mile engine and I said to go with it
    since it took so long to find this one;

    4) Engine seems to work very well, even better than original;

    5) First strange thing that showed up in first 200 miles was that the
    front windshield wipers would cycle one time only by itself. I can add
    that the T&C did do this when new and it took dealer three tries to
    fix which they said it was a bad series of 6-way switch on column;

    6) Second strange thing was that the transaxle downshifts by it self.
    This is much more serious and also showed up in first 100-300 miles
    after reinstallation of low mileage engine;

    7) Tried adding "Lucas Transmission Fix" product since the minivan was
    laid up for about three months and both my mechanic and I thought it
    might be the inactivity causing problems with fairly high mileage
    transaxle. However, Lucas didn't help and still have downshifting

    8) My big concern is that I have had one downshift on highway doing
    about 60 MPH and RPMs jumped from normal 2300 to 5000. I pulled over
    quickly, turned engine off and on again, and was off again with no
    more incidents on that specific trip;

    9) Check engine light has not come on yet, but mechanic wants to see
    if any codes show up, which I'm trying to get done today; and

    10) Another observation: problems occur 50-70% of time when hitting
    bump which is causing my mechanic and I to think it might be
    intermittent electrical connection in one of the engine connectors.

    Any advice (keep it clean and constructive, please) would be

    Bob Warmen, Oct 11, 2004
  2. 1) Phantom wipers and trans behavior sound like marginal, disconnected,
    severed or missing grounds. Trans shifts to 2nd and stays there if it gets
    no signal from controller, so if controller loses ground, trans is going
    to hit 2nd "right now".

    2) You need a trans flush, fluid and filter change now that you have
    contaminated your *critically formulated* trans fluid with that Lucas
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 12, 2004
  3. Bob Warmen

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Also casts doubt on the competence of your mechanic. I had a shop I
    trusted for over ten years when they suddenly, inexplicably to me,
    began doing many obviously dumb things: claiming on-off-on-off-on
    didn't work to give codes on a '95 Neon, after I had the codes it had
    given me; claiming a Toyota truck clutch wasn't adjustable when the
    procedure was on Page 2 of the service manual; claiming R-134 AC
    compressors use the same shaft seals as R-12 (three! you're
    outtathere!). Manager had not changed in the meantime, so I don't
    know what happened. And I'm not likely to find out, since I haven't
    been back.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Oct 12, 2004
  4. Bob Warmen

    Bob Warmen Guest


    Thanks for your input, especially on the ground theory. I'm out of
    state for couple of days and already (prior to your suggestion) have
    mechanic checking connectors when I get back.
    Will advise after that. Also, no tbl codes in computer last night as I
    sat in van watching machanic running computer tests using Snap-On
    DBII(?) tester.


    Thanks for your input, but still trust my machanic, not that he can't
    make mistakes.

    Bob Warmen, Oct 12, 2004
  5. Bob Warmen

    Steve Guest

    Sounds like a loose connection to either the input speed sensor or
    output speed sensor on the transmission. Could also be a loose main
    connector at the tranny control module. The phantom wipers are usually
    either the multi-function switch or a bad ground connection to the Body
    Control Module.
    Steve, Oct 12, 2004
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