3.0 Water Leak Part Deux

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rex B, Jul 11, 2003.

  1. Rex B

    Rex B Guest

    I determined a while back that my '93 Shadow was losing water from the water
    tube under the intake. Of course, with the intake installed you can't
    actually SEE where the water is coming from. So, I tore it down the other
    night, cleaned it all up. Installed new o-rings, new intake gaskets. All
    sealing surfaces were good and clean, no pitting. I lubed everything up with
    silicone on assembly.
    So I got it back together enough to seal the cooling system, pressure checked
    it, and it leaks worse than before! I'll tear it back down again, but I
    though I had it covered. Am I missing something? Any tips or tricks to this?
    I figured on trying the following:

    1 - Tweak the mounting brackets for the tube so it pushes deeper into the water
    pump so the o-rings are pushed against the 'step' in the WP bore.
    2 - Tweak the mounting bracket for the cast hose nipple that sticks into the
    other end of the tube so that it bottoms out with pressure on the o-ring.
    3 - Different sealer for the O-rings - #2 Permatex?
    4 - thicker O-rings? The Fel-Pro replacements looked good (the old ones were
    compressed) but the tube sure did slip together easily. I was expecting a more
    snug fit.

    I'm fairly certain the manifold-to-head junction is water-tight.
    I don't know of any other place for it to leak in the valley area.


    Rex B in Ft Worth
    Rex B, Jul 11, 2003
  2. Rex B

    Carl Saiyed Guest

    Use a piece of wood with sand paper. Sand untill EVERYTHING is shiny. The
    surface you are trying to seal may be slightly warped.

    Hope this helps.

    Carl Saiyed, Jul 12, 2003
  3. Rex B

    Rex B Guest

    After recleaning and resealing, this time with aviation Permatex, it still
    leaks. I now suspect the water pump gasket or something in that area.
    I may reassemble and try Bar's Leaks. Otherwise I'll get a timing belt and
    water pump and do that job.

    |Use a piece of wood with sand paper. Sand untill EVERYTHING is shiny. The
    |surface you are trying to seal may be slightly warped.
    |Hope this helps.
    |> I determined a while back that my '93 Shadow was losing water from the
    |> tube under the intake. Of course, with the intake installed you can't
    |> actually SEE where the water is coming from. So, I tore it down the other
    |> night, cleaned it all up. Installed new o-rings, new intake gaskets.
    |> sealing surfaces were good and clean, no pitting. I lubed everything up
    |> silicone on assembly.
    |> So I got it back together enough to seal the cooling system, pressure
    |> it, and it leaks worse than before! I'll tear it back down again, but
    |> though I had it covered. Am I missing something? Any tips or tricks to
    |> I figured on trying the following:
    |> 1 - Tweak the mounting brackets for the tube so it pushes deeper into the
    |> pump so the o-rings are pushed against the 'step' in the WP bore.
    |> 2 - Tweak the mounting bracket for the cast hose nipple that sticks into
    |> other end of the tube so that it bottoms out with pressure on the o-ring.
    |> 3 - Different sealer for the O-rings - #2 Permatex?
    |> 4 - thicker O-rings? The Fel-Pro replacements looked good (the old ones
    |> compressed) but the tube sure did slip together easily. I was expecting a
    |> snug fit.
    |> I'm fairly certain the manifold-to-head junction is water-tight.
    |> I don't know of any other place for it to leak in the valley area.
    |> Suggestions?
    |> Rex B in Ft Worth
    Rex B, Jul 14, 2003
  4. Rex B

    Rex B Guest

    First thing I checked, and it's good.

    |If you haven't already, check the short bypass hose below and to the right
    |of the thermostat housing.
    ||> After recleaning and resealing, this time with aviation Permatex, it still
    |> leaks. I now suspect the water pump gasket or something in that area.
    |> I may reassemble and try Bar's Leaks. Otherwise I'll get a timing belt
    |> water pump and do that job.
    |> On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 16:39:43 -0700, "Carl Saiyed"
    |> wrote:
    |> |Use a piece of wood with sand paper. Sand untill EVERYTHING is shiny. The
    |> |surface you are trying to seal may be slightly warped.
    |> |
    |> |Hope this helps.
    |> |
    |> |Carl
    |> |
    |> ||> |>
    |> |> I determined a while back that my '93 Shadow was losing water from the
    |> |water
    |> |> tube under the intake. Of course, with the intake installed you
    |> |> actually SEE where the water is coming from. So, I tore it down the
    |> |> night, cleaned it all up. Installed new o-rings, new intake gaskets.
    |> |All
    |> |> sealing surfaces were good and clean, no pitting. I lubed everything
    |> |with
    |> |> silicone on assembly.
    |> |> So I got it back together enough to seal the cooling system, pressure
    |> |checked
    |> |> it, and it leaks worse than before! I'll tear it back down again,
    |> |I
    |> |> though I had it covered. Am I missing something? Any tips or tricks to
    |> |this?
    |> |> I figured on trying the following:
    |> |>
    |> |> 1 - Tweak the mounting brackets for the tube so it pushes deeper into
    |> |water
    |> |> pump so the o-rings are pushed against the 'step' in the WP bore.
    |> |> 2 - Tweak the mounting bracket for the cast hose nipple that sticks
    |> |the
    |> |> other end of the tube so that it bottoms out with pressure on the
    |> |> 3 - Different sealer for the O-rings - #2 Permatex?
    |> |> 4 - thicker O-rings? The Fel-Pro replacements looked good (the old
    |> |were
    |> |> compressed) but the tube sure did slip together easily. I was expecting
    |> |more
    |> |> snug fit.
    |> |>
    |> |> I'm fairly certain the manifold-to-head junction is water-tight.
    |> |> I don't know of any other place for it to leak in the valley area.
    |> |>
    |> |> Suggestions?
    |> |>
    |> |> Rex B in Ft Worth
    |> |>
    |> |>
    |> |
    |> |
    Rex B, Jul 14, 2003
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