2008 Town & Country

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ks, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. ks

    ks Guest

    Anybody Have access to a wiring diagram for an 08 T&C ?

    I've installed a MyGig "Lockpick" in my van and to make the rear camera work
    while in motion I need to get a seperate power wire to the camera as it
    currently powered off the backup light circuit. And to me the best place to
    make the connection is in the rear ceiling where the harness enters the
    gate. But I need to know what what wire feeds power to the camera otherwise
    I need to gut the gate to get to the wiring at the camera.
    ks, Jul 19, 2008
  2. ks

    Steve W. Guest

    Wow a fast way to void the warranty and break the law all in one fell
    swoop... I don't see anything on the web site about that though...
    Steve W., Jul 19, 2008
  3. ks

    maxpower Guest

    Let me Know how many fault codes are set when you do this. The Can bus
    system make detect that and set multiple engine faults.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jul 19, 2008
  4. ks

    ks Guest

    Thanks for your concern but I'm not messing with the Can Bus, I'm just
    trying to provide 12+ to the camera independly of the backup light curcuit,
    I will have to ofcourse now seperate the camera from the backup light so I
    don't cause any backfeed. This is the company that sell the module to allows
    some not previouly programmed functions out of the MyGig Radio.

    I'm trying to find a more reasonable priced FSM as $395 is a little steep.
    I'm sure they will hit ebay soon.

    Any change you could pull a diagram of the rear gate harness and tell me the
    wire color for the camera power source?
    ks, Jul 19, 2008
  5. ks

    ks Guest

    Ok void some warranty I get but breaking the law? ....you better tell the
    million or so RV owners with rear view cameras they are breaking the law.
    ks, Jul 19, 2008
  6. ks

    maxpower Guest

    Sorry I don't have that info.
    maxpower, Jul 19, 2008
  7. ks

    Nosey Guest

    Can't you just tap a 12+ into the existing camera power wire and isolate the
    backfeed with a diode?
    Nosey, Jul 20, 2008
  8. ks

    Denny Guest

    I guess I'm just kinda curious why you'd want the camera on when driving
    down the road...

    Denny, Jul 20, 2008
  9. ks

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Must be because he wants to rearend someone.
    aarcuda69062, Jul 20, 2008
  10. ks

    Steve W. Guest

    Rear view cameras are designed to ONLY act as a rear view mirror because
    they cannot see directly behind the RV. The law says that those cameras
    are legal.
    The system your installing allows video feeds and DVD to be viewed
    within the drivers line of vision. That is the illegal item.
    Steve W., Jul 20, 2008
  11. ks

    ks Guest

    This is factory OEM Chrysler, I'm only looking to also be to view while in
    forward motion (to keep tabs on the boat trailer better). Similar camera
    kits are sold at Wal-Mart for this purpose.
    You are correct for New York, But Minnesota as many other states has no
    such law.

    Thank you for all your legal concern
    ks, Jul 21, 2008
  12. ks

    ks Guest

    Yep thats the plan kinda The instruction say to clip the 12+ to the Camera
    and use the wire from the module to supply the power to the camera when view
    is needed.

    I was just trying to save time/hassel by seeing if I could find the wire
    colors so I could do this at the harness before going into the gate so I
    didn't have to diassembling the rear door to get to the camera to find out
    which wire it is.

    Instead I'm getting legal and warranty advise.
    ks, Jul 21, 2008
  13. ks

    ks Guest

    Kinda nice to see the boat trailer better behind me.
    ks, Jul 21, 2008
  14. ks

    ks Guest

    Thats it you figured it out!

    Thanks for your help.
    ks, Jul 21, 2008
  15. ks

    Bill Putney Guest

    Three ways to get the wiring info.:
    (1) Some dealers will let you look at their FSM's in their facility -
    used to be that way - I don't know if they still do that.

    (2) Buy the FSM (probably more than the approx. $100 they used to be).

    (3) If it's worth $25 to you (for a one year subscription), you could
    get an on-line subscription to alldata.com. Not sure about your van,
    but for the vehicles I have subscriptions for, they have every single
    schematic that's in the FSM, and they are all right out of the FSM -
    none of the aftermarket manual "typical" schematics that may or may not
    be accurate for your vehicle. With that subscription you would also
    have access to the complete TSB's applicable to the vehicle - that alone
    might be worth the cost of the subscription.

    (I have no connections with alldata other than being a customer - and to
    prove it, I'll say that the rest of their vehicle-specific information,
    though right out of the FSM, is spotty, incomplete, and poorly
    organized/hard to search. Schematics and TSB's are 100%, and may be
    worth the cost by itself. Also, they give multiple year/multiple
    vehicle discounts.)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jul 21, 2008
  16. ks

    Denny Guest

    In my years of towing things, I'm comfortable in knowing the (whatever) is
    hooked up correctly, safety pins in hitch and\or ball, safety chains
    installed and watch the mirror. I agree the camera might be nice for hooking
    up but after that it just looking at a hitch. Believe me, if you would
    happen to break the ball and your load hits the chains, your butt will know
    it faster than your eyes looking at a picture when you should be handling
    the situation.

    Denny, Jul 21, 2008
  17. ks

    Roy Guest

    Yup, by then it is all over.
    Roy, Jul 21, 2008
  18. ks

    Roy Guest

    I doubt there isn't anybody who hasn't done something to their truck or car
    that hasn't been a bit illegal or pushed the warranty a bit. Hell, if ya
    haven't well.....

    I don't really see the reasoning for this toy, but it's his toy let him play
    with it. Just mho.
    Roy, Jul 21, 2008
  19. ks

    nunya Guest

    in georgia there is still a law on the books from the old hotrodding days.
    it says that you cannot perform any modifications to your vehicle from its
    stock configuration. a good attorney could have you for lunch just for
    running a different brand of tire on the vehicle than it was shipped with.
    got to be one of the most violated laws on the books. i posted the general
    law on the subject below but if you go a read each subsection of the code
    you will find that most vehicle modifications beyond factory and dealer
    options are illegal.

    ยง 40-8-7. Driving unsafe or improperly equipped vehicle; punishment for
    violations of chapter generally; vehicle inspection by law enforcement
    officer without warrant

    (a) No person shall drive or move on any highway any motor vehicle,
    trailer, semitrailer, or pole trailer, or any combination thereof, unless
    the equipment upon any and every such vehicle is in good working order and
    adjustment as required in this chapter and the vehicle is in such safe
    mechanical condition as not to endanger the driver or other occupant or any
    person upon the highway.

    (b) It is a misdemeanor for any person to drive or move, or for the owner to
    cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved, on any street or highway
    any vehicle or combination of vehicles:

    (1) Which is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person;

    (2) Which does not contain those parts or is not at all times equipped
    with such lights and other equipment in proper condition and adjustment as
    required in this chapter; or

    (3) Which is equipped in any manner in violation of this chapter.

    (c) It is also a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden or fail
    to perform any act required under this chapter.

    (d) Any vehicle suspected of being operated in violation of this article may
    be the subject of an inspection conducted by any law enforcement officer who
    has reason to believe such violation is occurring, without the necessity of
    obtaining a warrant to permit such inspection.
    nunya, Jul 21, 2008
  20. ks

    Roy Guest


    There is a law in most states that say's the lower edge of fender can't be
    higher than center hub/axle. or words to that effect.
    Roy, Jul 21, 2008
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