2008 Gr Caravan SXT - Defroster Problem Options

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DavidInNH, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. DavidInNH

    DavidInNH Guest

    My wife has a 2008 Gr. Caravan SXT. The lower 3 inches of the
    windshield ice up and don''t clear even with the defroster on high.
    The wiper blades scrape and seem as if they will tear themselves
    apart. The vents from which the air flows point away from the window
    and too much of the air flow goes into the driver''s face. The dealer
    has examined this and says it is the way they are supposed to be.

    There is no electric grid i the bottom of the window to clear that 3"
    or so of ice.

    So far, my wife has gotten the "can't do anything about it, this is
    how it was designed" from Dodge's "support" people.

    Have any of you had a similar problem?

    Thanks in advance.
    DavidInNH, Jan 31, 2009
  2. DavidInNH

    John Smith Guest

    contact a windshield company and have them inspect your vehicle for the
    proper wiring to the wiper de icer. if it is there buy a new windshield and
    wire it up.
    John Smith, Feb 10, 2009
  3. DavidInNH

    dgintz Guest

    We already tried this approach. Even though we shouldn't have to do
    something like this as it is a defect in the design of the car and
    Dodge should take care of it, we looked into this. Because it is not
    originally supplied with a grid in the windshield, the glass companies
    refuse to change it due to liability issues. (They will only replace a
    windshield with the OEM-specified one and since this car doesn't have
    a grid, they won't put one in.)
    dgintz, Feb 28, 2009
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