2006 Chrysler 300C LEMON

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 1, 2005.

  1. Steve,your right,its mechanical device.ok? What I'm bitching about is,at 44k
    where the f&^*k is the factory quality control?How do you deliver a vehicle
    to a dealer to sell in this condition? Your gonna tell me the dealer was
    unaware of this problem? Right! A.D.
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
  2. thanks for the lemon law lesson Sarge,but,I already read up on it.Appreciate
    it.. A.D.
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
  3. Matt, I didn't buy a defective vehicle,,I was under the impression that "new"
    was "new"....A.D.
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
  4. Thankyou Sarge,,exactly my point!!! A.D.
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
  5. Mistakes????Mercedes tranny? This world is FULL of fools like you Dawg...A.D.
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
  6. Good for you Pete...As I mentioned I don't blame the dealer as much as I do
    Chrysler. The dealer is being more than hospitable in this situation.He
    didn't have any available loaners at hte time and that was the reason for the
    rental.I have since been moved to a better loaner...A.D.
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
  7. Tim,,since these mechanics are "supposed" to be Chrysler professionals I
    would asssume that they should know that..at least I hope so,,thanks anyway..
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 2, 2005
  9. Angelo D via CarKB.com

    David Guest

    Same reason the space shuttle keeps blowing up TROLL!
    Vehicles are mechanical pieces bolted together. If and when something
    decides to break is not under anyones control. Let's see, the space shuttle
    is going on 30 years old, and yet that piece of shit is breaking down even
    when a brand new piece is bolted to it! And I am sure they have the highest
    quality control! DUH! TROLL! And then you bang your head on the desk in
    front of you to get some brain function or blood flow up there!
    David, Jul 2, 2005
  10. Angelo D via CarKB.com

    Matt Whiting Guest

    New and "not defective" aren't synonymous. Almost all new vehicles are
    defective in one way or another. Nothing is 100% perfect. And many
    used vehicles are closer to perfect as the owner has had all of the bugs
    taken care of.

    Matt Whiting, Jul 2, 2005
  11. Pardon me Matt but Angelo has a major defect, it's not a loose piece of
    plastic or some other small defect, his transmission isn't working
    properly. A new car should be delivered in working order, if it isn't the
    dealer should take it back and swap it for a new vehicle. If you bought an
    HDTV or a computer and it was defective in anyway the dealer would swap it
    for a working one with no hassle at all.
    General Schvantzkoph, Jul 2, 2005
  12. Angelo D via CarKB.com

    Matt Whiting Guest

    The dealer should fix it, yes, but that doesn't mean they need to swap
    it for an entirely new car. The dealer only swaps something like a
    computer because it is cheaper for them to swap the entire machine than
    to fix it. A car isn't a $500 computer. If the dealer is not able to
    fix his car, then, yes, I agree that they should replace it. However,
    it sounds like the dealer and Chrysler reps haven't even had a good
    chance yet at fixing it. The OP is crying lemon when the process of
    fixing the car sounds like it has only begun.

    Sure, in an ideal world all cars would be perfect from the factory and
    never need anything done to them for 500,000 miles. However, we don't
    live in an ideal world. Even the acclaimed Toyota is having its fair
    share of misery these days. I just saw another recall in CR for ball
    joints on several SUV and truck models.

    Matt Whiting, Jul 2, 2005
  13. Angelo D via CarKB.com

    maxpower Guest

    We had a brand new 300c come off the truck and the was PDI (pre delivery
    inspection ) done at the shop by one of the technicans, everything passed no
    problems.....Vehicle was delivered cust had towed back into shop the next
    day with a blown transmission. Fluid everywhere. He was pissed as you are
    now, and I would expect that as I expect you to be pissed also.
    What we found when the transmissin was removed was an extra bolt (from
    Assembly) must have dropped from a machine or person on the assembly line
    and had lodged somewhere in the bellhousing untill it came loose, These
    things do happen. Shoot look at the space shuttle, you would think there
    should never be a problem with that machine but it happens.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jul 2, 2005
  14. Angelo D via CarKB.com

    maxpower Guest

    Good point Tim, I saw that about a month ago
    maxpower, Jul 2, 2005
  15. I accept mechanical problems, even major ones at times. After all, machines
    do break down. It is disconcerting to have a major problem like the OP has
    after spending so much money. I bought a new Neon in the first model year
    from Secuirty Dodge in Amityville, NY. Among many problems, I had three
    that caused me to visit the service department ten times. Two of the
    problems were noted in TSBs (which I knew about) but the dealer's service
    department refused to listen to me. They even attempted to charge me for
    blown fog lights after only 8K miles. I pointed out that I had a 3 year 36K
    "bumper-to-bumper" warranty as the warranty manual called it. They told me
    there was no such thing as a bumper-to-bumper warranty despite the warranty
    manual stating such. Talk about idiots! Never got good service from them
    and my attempt at arbitration was a miserable experience. The piant on the
    car was wearing off and chipping easily but I was out of luck, as the
    arbitrator said, because he owned a Neon and wasn't experiencing the
    problem. Why I bought another Chrysler is beyond me but I am very happy
    with my 300C. What Chrysler has to learn is that the level of customer
    service has to brought up a few notches if they expect potential Bimmer,
    Merc, and Jag owners to buy a 300. Those dealerships tend to go far beyond
    Chrysler in the customer care area.
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Jul 3, 2005
  16. Matt,,Since this thread started I have recieved some excellent assistence
    from some Chrysler techs,who think they have an idea as to the problem.They
    even offered to assist the dealership in question in locating the problem
    which they seem to think is a transmission electronic module not manfactured
    by Chrysler.
    I'll retract the "Lemon" reference only because I see how Chrysler and its
    employees are sincerely concerned and are going overboard to help. A.D.
    Angelo D via CarKB.com, Jul 3, 2005
  17. Angelo D via CarKB.com

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Here's hoping they find and fix the problem quickly and get you back on
    the road in your own car.

    Matt Whiting, Jul 3, 2005
  18. Angelo D via CarKB.com

    Steve Guest

    Doesn't matter if its 44k$, 440k$, or $0.44. Things break, they have to
    be diagnosed, and fixed. Not replaced, fixed. Keep your pants on, quit
    trolling this newsgroup, let them fix the problem, and for pete's sake
    Steve, Jul 5, 2005
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