2005 T&C Front Disc Brake Replacement, glue?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi All,

    I've changed front disc brakes before without any issue.

    I recently pull the front disc brakes on a 2005 Town & Country Minivan and
    found the outside pad glued to the caliper. It wasn't just "stuck" there
    from all the road grime it looked like it was glued. I gave it a few hits
    with the hammer and even tried using the C clamp to pull the brake pad off
    but it wouldn't budge. The inside pad came right out just like every other
    car I've ever worked on.

    I decided I better do some research before continuing and put everything
    back together.

    Anyone ever seen this? Can I just use a utility knife to cut the pad free?
    Do I need to re-apply glue before installing the new pad?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    mlhgods <A.T> hotmail <D.O.T> com
    Guest, Feb 8, 2007
  2. Guest

    philthy Guest

    some techs use that glue to fix a problem they seem to overlook that is far
    easier fixed by cleaning the caliper slides and lubing all contact points
    they use it to help keep the pad off the rotor when the brakes are not applied

    when a simple cleaning and lubing allow the the parts to work as designed
    philthy, Feb 8, 2007
  3. Guest

    maxpower Guest

    It comes from the factory like that. Hit the pad with a small hammer and it
    will come off.

    maxpower, Feb 10, 2007
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