2005 Minivans

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jimbo, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. Jimbo

    Jimbo Guest

    I like them; of course, I have a strange liking for the minivans. Must
    be me getting older. I have a few questions, though.

    A) My brother in law was looking at minis awhile back. He boiled it
    down to a used T&C and a Honda Odyssey. He got the Odyssey (He likes
    'em) but while we were looking, I had him check carpoint.com to look
    at reliability issues. I expected Chrysler to have something about
    trannies. It did, but it said that for the past 3 years the trannies
    haven't been a concern and the quality has been good. It was nice to
    see they got that behind them. What shocked me, though, was that the
    Odysseys have been reported to have tranny problems for the past three
    years, and that Honda bumped up their powertrain warranty to a 7/100
    to cover it. Sure enough, his had a 7/100 warranty. Has anyone heard
    about that? I never had heard of it, and it surprised me coming from
    Honda. I don't particularly like Hondas (I prefer torque with my
    engines) but had always respected them as very well built cars. It
    also surprised me I never heard of it. IIRC One of the things that
    hurt the Minivan vs. the Odyssey when the Odyssey first came out was
    the Chryco tranny problems. (Honda, IMHO, also puts lie to the old
    claim of the Chrysler execs that a small car company couldn't

    B) There were rumors a few years back of a 230 or 250 hp 3.5 litre
    minivan. What happened? They have the engine, so why not? It would
    give them a boost vs. the Quest/Odyssey engines.

    C) Finally, The previous redesign Chrysler said it wasn't going to
    have fold flat rear seats because they couldn't do that and have AWD.
    Have they figured out how, or have they sacrificed AWD?


    Jimbo, Jan 2, 2004
  2. | I like them; of course, I have a strange liking for the minivans. Must
    | be me getting older. I have a few questions, though.
    | A) My brother in law was looking at minis awhile back. He boiled it
    | down to a used T&C and a Honda Odyssey. He got the Odyssey (He likes
    | 'em) but while we were looking, I had him check carpoint.com to look
    | at reliability issues. I expected Chrysler to have something about
    | trannies. It did, but it said that for the past 3 years the trannies
    | haven't been a concern and the quality has been good. It was nice to
    | see they got that behind them. What shocked me, though, was that the
    | Odysseys have been reported to have tranny problems for the past three
    | years, and that Honda bumped up their powertrain warranty to a 7/100
    | to cover it. Sure enough, his had a 7/100 warranty. Has anyone heard
    | about that? I never had heard of it, and it surprised me coming from
    | Honda. I don't particularly like Hondas (I prefer torque with my
    | engines) but had always respected them as very well built cars. It
    | also surprised me I never heard of it. IIRC One of the things that
    | hurt the Minivan vs. the Odyssey when the Odyssey first came out was
    | the Chryco tranny problems. (Honda, IMHO, also puts lie to the old
    | claim of the Chrysler execs that a small car company couldn't
    | survive.)

    Yes, a woman that workes for me has a 2001 Acura MDX with 60,000 miles. The
    tranny went bad a couple of months back...$7,200 was the quote to replace it.
    She screamed bloody murder and Honda covered all but $1,000 of the cost.

    | B) There were rumors a few years back of a 230 or 250 hp 3.5 litre
    | minivan. What happened? They have the engine, so why not? It would
    | give them a boost vs. the Quest/Odyssey engines.

    It's a minivan. Demographically, what percentage of mini-van buyers/owners are
    concerned about that much horsepower? I believe that the 3.8 engine acheives
    230 horses today. My 1997 has the 3.3 that rated 165 horses back then and I've
    not had any horsepower problems...even driving on heavy mountain grades.

    | C) Finally, The previous redesign Chrysler said it wasn't going to
    | have fold flat rear seats because they couldn't do that and have AWD.
    | Have they figured out how, or have they sacrificed AWD?

    Good question...don't know the answer. Maybe AWD wasn't a big selling option?

    | Thanks!
    | Jimbo
    James C. Reeves, Jan 3, 2004
  3. Jimbo

    mic canic Guest

    i have a friend who wrenchs at a honda dealer and he does as many head
    gaskets on hondas as i do on neons
    mic canic, Jan 3, 2004
  4. Jimbo

    Art Begun Guest

    Honda screwed up 2 AT's.... one in the Odessey and the other in an
    Acura. They gave loaners when they ran out of AT's. Most customers
    forgave them for the screw up but some were really pissed off. Been a
    couple of newspaper articles about it. Honda does not let dealers
    open up the AT's for warranty repairs so there was a 2 month wait at
    one point for replacements.
    Art Begun, Jan 3, 2004
  5. The AWD feature is history.

    The Chrysler 300C, Dodge Magnum and Chrysler Pacifica will all offer AWD, so
    I don't think it will be a huge issue.

    Final point - DCX Quality has improved significantly over the past three
    years. Ask any DCX Service Manager - Warranty Work is no longer keeping the
    shops filled.

    Have a great week.

    Scott B. Hogle, Jan 3, 2004
  6. Jimbo

    Art Begun Guest

    I was looking at a few of the last 300m's on the dealer lot and they
    had obvious cosmetic quality flaws.
    Art Begun, Jan 3, 2004
  7. Jimbo

    RPhillips47 Guest

    THAT comment really has a lot to do with the 2005 Minivans, doesn't it?????
    RPhillips47, Jan 4, 2004
  8. Jimbo

    Art Begun Guest

    Obviously you are not bright enuf to follow a thread. Maybe you
    should sell your computer.

    The post I was responding to and you cut off from your quote was:

    "The AWD feature is history.

    The Chrysler 300C, Dodge Magnum and Chrysler Pacifica will all offer
    AWD, so
    I don't think it will be a huge issue.

    Final point - DCX Quality has improved significantly over the past
    years. Ask any DCX Service Manager - Warranty Work is no longer
    keeping the
    shops filled.

    Have a great week."

    Art Begun, Jan 4, 2004
  9. Jimbo

    RPhillips47 Guest

    Yes, a**hole, I followed the thread and I knew what you were responding to.

    and continued:
    WHERE is the reference to 300M in the quote I cut off?????

    Obviously you think what you say really means something. Guess what?????
    RPhillips47, Jan 4, 2004
  10. Jimbo

    mic canic Guest

    exception will be the pacifica
    this car has more electrical issues than i can ever remember any car
    coming out with
    mic canic, Jan 4, 2004
  11. Jimbo

    Geoff Guest

    What's wrong with it? Where do the problems lie?

    Geoff, Jan 5, 2004
  12. Jimbo

    RPhillips47 Guest

    REALLY?????!!!!! I haven't noticed any in mine and we have been driving it
    since Aug. 29, it now has 7,554 miles on it. When do these "more electrical
    issues than i can ever remember" start appearing or happening????? I find it
    quite interesting that you always post some kind of random comment like this,
    but when people ask you to define what you mean (like Geoff has done in his
    reply to your post - and I am asking now), you never respond. Why don't you
    turn your useless blather into something with merit, purpose and something
    worth reading?????!!!!!
    RPhillips47, Jan 5, 2004
  13. Jimbo

    Art Begun Guest

    Art Begun, Jan 5, 2004
  14. WOW, I must really have my head up my butt. I thought my Pacifica
    was perfect since I have not had ANY PROBLEMS, Much less an electrical
    problem with it. I guess I have been having problems and I didn't
    know it. I HATE when that happens. I guess I better go sit in the
    corner and cry, or better yet, go to a Pacifica site and yell and
    scream about my POS CAR. I MUST have a POS because : "> > >exception
    will be the pacifica
    Thanks for letting me know about my car. I am sure glad we have
    YOUR EXPERTIESE on here. No one would know ANYTHING IF YOU were not
    here. Guess I will go find a used YUGO. Nothing can go wrong with
    that car since there is nothing to it.
    Richard Benner Jr, Jan 5, 2004
  15. Jimbo

    mic canic Guest

    first the t.p.m systems when it went to the 2004 from late 2003 build and
    the mexicans were putting 03 parts into 04's and i call them o3 due to the
    early build dates.plus there is 2 part numbers for the pressue sensors for
    the tires
    the seat modules are failing and are on national backorder.185 so far
    pcm's are on restriction due to a recall on the wiring and connectors for
    the pcm
    thats right a recall already and this doesn't include the keyless entry
    issue because someone did not put a fuse in correctly. now the cluster
    problems that is starting to show
    mic canic, Jan 7, 2004
  16. Jimbo

    Geoff Guest

    Art is an import lover posing as a Chrysler fan. He's got nothing good to
    say about Chrysler products, other than the fact that he owns a 300M and he
    likes it better than his Avalon (who cares, Art? It just makes you stupid
    50% of the time, rather than 100%) and that he's shopping for a Pacifica, or
    is it maybe a minivan, but Idunno, the quality problems, they make him ask a
    lot of stupid questions and give him plenty of opportunities to take a cheap
    shot at the American autoworker, nevermind the fact that the foreign brands
    he likes are also assembled in America. He's listed in the national dolt
    registry alphabetically before Lloyd; you can safely ignore his posts.

    He's probably a liberal, too.
    Geoff, Jan 10, 2004
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