2005 Chrysler seat belt extensions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brad Robertson, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. The front seat belts of our new 2005 Chrysler 300 are inconvenient to hook
    up. The bottom end of the belt is down low in the seat making if very
    unhandy to hook up. I went to my local Chrysler dealer to get seat belt
    extensions and when the parts man looked them up he found that they were not
    free as they had been in the past. I want the extensions and had to pay in
    advance $62.01 to order the 2 extensions. I thought the government DOT had
    mandated that the auto companies supply whatever is needed to make the seat
    belts work at no cost to customers. Does anybody know if this has changed
    and why Chrysler now charges for what I thought should have been a free

    Thanks in advance

    Brad Robertson
    Brad Robertson, Aug 20, 2004
  2. Brad Robertson

    Art Guest

    I test drove a 300 and Magnum and did not notice any seatbelt problem. Have
    you asked the dealer to check to see whether yours were installed correctly?
    Have you compared with another car on the lot?
    Art, Aug 20, 2004
  3. Perhaps a diet is in order here?
    Annoying Trailer Trash, Aug 20, 2004
  4. They are there for a very good reason: To make sure the belt is properly
    positioned on your body. The lap portion needs to be down low, over your
    hips, NOT up over your belly, in order to do its job without injuring you.
    They have never been free.
    All kinds of people (including you, as it seems) have all kinds of screwy
    ideas about what the "government DOT" has mandated. There has never been
    anything even remotely approaching the mandate you describe. What's more,
    the seatbelts *do* work, you just find them "inconvenient".
    Looks like the Daimler takeover of Chrysler has indeed brought
    Mercedes-type buyers into Chrysler showrooms, doesn't it? You act as
    though the world owes you your every desire on a silver platter.

    Quit bitching, fasten your seatbelt, and maybe lose some weight.
    Daniel J. Stern, Aug 20, 2004
  5. Brad Robertson

    j.lef Guest

    : In the past, I have gotten extentions for my toyota and
    older dodge caravan because of a pregnancy situation. Both times I asked for
    two extensions for each car. Both times I waited about three days and
    received them with no charge and no hassle. Dodge dealer was in nyc , and
    toyota dealer was in westchester county, new york.
    I do believe it is at least a new york state law, that
    seat belt extensions are mandatory , if you can show your registration and
    ownership of the vehicle.

    regards Jerry
    j.lef, Aug 21, 2004
  6. Brad Robertson

    Art Guest

    Seems like a great ebay scheme. Get free extensions in NY and sell them for
    thousands to ebayers in other states.
    Art, Aug 21, 2004
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