2003 T&C

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ks, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. ks

    ks Guest

    I have a 2003 Town & Country and way back when it was in warranty I had a
    tic sound in the steering column and they installed a "05114169AB Steering
    Column Repair kit" to correct it and it did.

    Now at 98,000 the tic sound is back.
    I found the contents of the kit Includes:
    2x 05143813AA Shim
    2x 06032364 Snap Ring
    05083385AA Miller Special Tool, Installer, Snap Ring
    05083729AA Tilt Head Housing Assembly
    04690101 Bracket, Jacket Clamp
    04318031 Lock & Seal Adhesive
    04318070 Silicon Spray Lube
    04690375 Tape, Multifunction Switch
    04717121 Tape.

    Can something like the shims wear out and cause the problem to come back?

    ks, Mar 16, 2007
  2. ks

    damnnickname Guest

    The most common complaint is a clock spring rattling causing a click noise.
    without hearing the noise you are referring to woul dbe hard to say whatthe
    problem is. I have installed those shims on a few vehicles and have never
    had a problem afterwards

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Mar 16, 2007
  3. ks

    ks Guest

    What was the intent of the kit? The factory service manual doesn't break
    down the tilt head. But I assume it just holds a large bearing that must
    either be bad or sliding around in the tilt head hence the shims?

    ks, Mar 17, 2007
  4. ks

    philthy Guest

    more than likely using the steering wheel to pull yourself in the van damages
    the beaings in the colum
    philthy, Mar 17, 2007
  5. ks

    maxpower Guest

    The shim was installed down at the very bottom of the column and the reason
    it was done was to take out play and put more tension on the spring to
    prevent rattles, it has nothing to do with the tilt mechanism and has
    nothing to do with getting in and out of the car. if the bearing was bad at
    the top or bottom the steering wheel itself would have alot of side to side

    maxpower, Mar 17, 2007
  6. ks

    ks Guest

    No it's more of a in out thing, not side to side. It's like road vibrations
    coming up the shaft pushes the column out then you touch it it clicks down.
    ks, Mar 17, 2007
  7. ks

    philthy Guest

    better have it inspected sooner than later
    philthy, Mar 17, 2007
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