2003 GrCaravan 3.3 L maintenance?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by cosza, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. cosza

    cosza Guest

    I have 48500 km (30312 miles) on my 2003 GC. Took it in for the regular
    maintenance to my 5 star Dealer. The dealer recommended to change Automatic
    Transmission fluid and Power steering fluid since they are the same. I
    follow the severe schedule B since I live in Canada Quebec, and plan B calls
    for A/T fluid at 77000 km (48000 miles) and power steering fluid is really
    never mentioned to be changed at any mileage. My dealer said since we are in
    Canada and temperature varies alot he said to do it. My manual says Plan B
    is specifically for Canada. I told him just follow the maintence schedule.

    Am I missing something or the dealer is trying to generate sales or they
    know it really is good for the tranny in reality because they still have
    problems with it.
    cosza, Feb 6, 2006
  2. cosza

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I'd do the trans fluid and filter (make sure they don't just do the "power
    flush and leave the old dirty filter in there), but take a pass on the PS
    fluid at that low mileage. Have them drop and clean out the trans pan and
    replace the filter. Also, only use ATF+4 fluid. This is very important..

    Bob Shuman, Feb 6, 2006
  3. cosza

    NewMan Guest

    You do not mention which trans you have! If it is the 3 speed, then
    the service is likely not required at this time. The 4 speed is
    another matter!

    To my mind your "5 star dealer" has just shown their true colours.
    They are mistaking miles and kms, and hoping you wont notice so they
    can make a buck at your expense.

    Even for the 4 speed, I think it may be a little early to do the trans
    fluid, but - if the job is done properly - then there should be no

    Here is the rub: My brother used to work at a car dealerhip. He
    eventually left because he could not stand the incompetence. You get
    charged "shop foreman" rate, and the most junior idiot gets put on
    your car virtually unspervised. Unless you have the time to stand
    their and watch the dealer do the work, then you have NO guarantee
    that the work would even be done - let alone get done properly.
    Perhaps he was working at a bad dealer. But I am always gun-shy of
    dealers. They always charge top dollar, and don't seem to consistently
    warrant that kind of money. I have had experiences with various
    dealers over the years. And most of them will tell you there is "no
    problem", "don't worry about that little noise, it's normal"........
    until the warranty has expired that is! Then.... 'Oh that noise is
    serious! We better rebuild the engine right away!". And when you point
    out that this noise has been there since day-one... "oh no, you MUST
    be mistaken...". Yeah, right.

    Your van is likely still on warranty. If the dealership abuses your
    trans now, then it will likely last the balance of the warranty - and
    not much longer. Of course, they are banking on the idea that when the
    tranny croaks off of warranty, that you will come to them! And they
    will likley try to charge you $3000 - $4000 for the job. There is a
    highly reputable shop here in BC that will rebuild the 4 speed trans
    for $1495 + tax - that includes the re & re. You just ain't gonna get
    that kind of work and value at a dealer.

    If you want the trans fluid done, then find a CAA affiliated
    independant transmission shop that has a GOOD reputation. Let them do
    the fluid and filter on your trans. It is likely a good idea to
    short-cycle the first fluid & filter since the initial break-in of the
    trans would have put a slightly higher amount of bits into the fluid.

    I have the 4 speed in a 94 gc. I look to doing mine around the 2 year
    / 80,000 km mark. Timewise, you are getting in the range, but still
    short on the mileage. Look at your fluid. If the fluid looks good,
    then don't worry about it just yet. If the fluid smells burnt, or
    doesn not look bright red and clear like new fluid, then consider
    having the fluid and filter done. And, as the other poster said, use
    Chrylser ATF+4 fluid ONLY! Avoid ANY shop that tries to put Dexron III
    + Lube Guard into your trans! Dexron III is a cheaper fluid. That is
    why shops like to use it. It is NOT the proper fluid for your trans!
    The rebuilder who did mine used Dexron III. I recently had some work
    done on the trans, and it was refilled with ATF+4. It shifts properly
    now, smooth and quiet. I will never lwt w shop work on my trans again
    that will not use ATF+4.

    I agree with the other poster, it is a little early to do the P/S
    fluid. Pull the stick and look at the condition of the fluid. P/S
    fluid tends to get like a greyish crud in it over time. This crud is,
    basically, metal filings that wear off the components during normal
    use. If your fluid colour is good, and there is a small amount of
    contamination, then don't worry just yet. If, OTOH, your fliud looks
    translucent to opaque, and is full of greyish crud, then get the P/S
    flush done as well. Getting rid of little metal filings can only
    prolong the life of your P/S system.

    I had mind done at about 150,000 km. The fluid looked pretty nasty.

    NewMan, Feb 6, 2006
  4. cosza

    cosza Guest

    it is an 03 and they only have the eletronic 4 speed Automatic
    Thanks again
    cosza, Feb 6, 2006
  5. cosza

    hartless Guest

    It's an 03 with 3.3Litre. there is no three speed!
    hartless, Feb 6, 2006
  6. cosza

    hartless Guest

    Have the Transmission serviced, And as Bob mentioned make sure the change
    the transmission filter. It really does help. You should have had a recall
    on the power steering hose on this van. If not ask if it is needed. And if
    it has been done, you have anew fluid in the power steering system. Changing
    the power steering fluid is a service geared toward making the dealer money.
    However, if your steering does make whining noises, then certainly look at
    having the power steering fluid exchanged. If it isn't, don't bother for
    hartless, Feb 6, 2006
  7. cosza

    cosza Guest

    I did have last year the PS hose recall done, so as you said the PS fluid
    was changed, which is great, even tough we don't like recalls something
    comes out of it like a free PS fluid change.
    cosza, Feb 6, 2006
  8. cosza

    Steve Guest

    And be ABSOLUTELY sure that it gets filled with ATF+4.
    Steve, Feb 6, 2006
  9. cosza

    hartless Guest

    It was not entirely changed. But there is probably a litre of new fluid in
    it as they drained out the reservoir through to were the hose comes out. So
    I wouldn't worry about getting it flushed out. Wait until the color goes
    dark or the pump is squeeling.
    hartless, Feb 6, 2006
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