2003 Grand Caravan 3.3 - Trannsmission TSB 2100503A feeding pump & front clutch

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by cosza, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. cosza

    cosza Guest

    For the mechanically knoweledgable people. My tranny sometimes was not
    engaging into D or R . There is a TSB 2100503A. This calls for replacing the
    feeding pump and some front clutch. Apparently late 2002 and erly 2003 cars
    got bad pumps. This job took the dealer 5 hours of labor. Can somebody tell
    me , is this condsidered a rebuilt of some sort. did they have to open the
    tranny completely or take it down completly. Will this compromise the tranny
    in the long run. Or it is simple just open some case replace the pump and
    clutch and thats it. 5 hours tell me that it is quit some job, almost like a
    rebuilt. Did they have to touch anything else in the trannsmission?
    Thanks in advance
    cosza, Feb 9, 2004
  2. cosza

    jdoe Guest

    They had to drop the trans but the pump is right at the front.
    jdoe, Feb 9, 2004
  3. cosza

    cosza Guest

    So does that mean the transmission should be as good as new?
    cosza, Feb 9, 2004
  4. | So does that mean the transmission should be as good as new?
    | Tx

    My guess is that it's better than new. :)
    James C. Reeves, Feb 9, 2004
  5. Hopefully, better than new ... assuming it came with a bad pump!

    Matthew S. Whiting, Feb 9, 2004
  6. cosza

    Ken Kociolek Guest

    My 2002 caravan sport started banging into lower gears as it was
    downshifting (23,000 miles). Dealer removed the trans and the bench
    tech replaced the oil pump, torque conv package, trans seal package, 3
    trans plates and 4 disc clutch. (9.5 hours total). I also wondered if
    this was considered a "rebuild" or just replacement of the failed
    parts. Now I am thinking should I invest in an extended warranty or
    roll the dice. Thank goodness the work was under warranty, but I
    don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling about the reliability of the trans
    now. Any comments from the experts?
    Ken Kociolek, Feb 10, 2004
  7. cosza

    robs440 Guest

    it should be fine but a warranty wouldnt hurt if you can afford it. can run
    as much as 1400.00 for the warranty policy.

    how has it been since the repair work was done?
    robs440, Feb 20, 2004
  8. cosza

    cosza Guest

    flawless since the repair

    cosza, Feb 23, 2004
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