2003 Caravan - Ignition malfunction

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Harkin, Jul 31, 2005.

  1. Harkin

    Harkin Guest

    Yesterday morning the key wound;t turn. I tried flipping the key over and it
    worked. Didn't really think anything about it until last night. The key will
    not turn at all. I jiggled it, tapped on it and everythign else taht I can
    think of to get it to work and nada. When I depress the brake pedal, I am
    not able to shift into anything either. I do not remember if I could do this
    or not without have the key at least in the acc position prior to yesterday.
    I looked behind the plastic cover pieces for any type of short term
    workaround but couldn't find any type of manual release or anything.

    My guess is that one, or both, of the locking mechanisisms went to crap this
    morning. Any thoughts?
    Harkin, Jul 31, 2005
  2. Harkin

    maxpower Guest

    The wafer tumblers in the ign key cyl are worn out, replace the key cyl and
    recode it.
    You can et the key to turn by tapping on it with a heavy object while
    turning it.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jul 31, 2005
  3. Harkin

    Harkin Guest

    I tried tapping it with a hammer while attempting to turn it but it didn't
    help. I will have to wait until tomorrow morning and have it towed to the
    dealer I guess. Anything else I can try?

    Is this normal that they wear out after 2 years?

    The wafer tumblers in the ign key cyl are worn out, replace the key cyl and
    recode it. You can et the key to turn by tapping on it with a heavy object
    turning it.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    Harkin, Jul 31, 2005
  4. Harkin

    maxpower Guest

    Assuming you dont have the wheels turned all the way to one side binding the
    steering column thats all you can do, if you keep playing with it, it will
    maxpower, Jul 31, 2005
  5. Harkin

    Harkin Guest

    I went back and tried again, and I was able to get the key to turn after a
    little *convinving*. I'll take it to the shop in the morning. Thanks for the
    Harkin, Aug 1, 2005
  6. Harkin

    tim bur Guest

    no steering lock on 03 vans so you can get them started by placing key near key
    cylinder and taking the ing. switch off the other end and using a screw driver
    to turn it on and start it up
    tim bur, Aug 3, 2005
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