2002 GC Stereo Question...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by NewMan, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. NewMan

    NewMan Guest

    I am looking at purchasing a 2002 Grand Caravan. The stereo in this
    car is the Deluxe model having both CD and Cassette, and the Infinity

    So here is the question!

    Will the stock stereo play discs that are encoded with WMA and/or MP3

    I had a great after-market stereo in my 1994 GC that would play normal
    CDs, WMA, AND MP3s!

    I loved packing a CD-R with over six albums of music! No noticable
    loss of audio quality on WMA, and only slightly on MP3 - and SOOO

    Anyone know?
    NewMan, Jul 23, 2006
  2. NewMan

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi Newman...

    I don't *know* 2000+ vehicles, but if you happen to be a betting
    man I'll betcha whatever you like that it plays only non RW cd's,
    only .wav's, and even then only if the cd is finalized. (has a second
    toc at the end)

    I *do* know how you can easily settle our bet, though :)

    Next time you visit the vehicle bring along a handful of various
    cd's and try 'em out :)

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Jul 23, 2006
  3. NewMan

    NewMan Guest

    Hi Ken,

    Well not like it would be a "show stopper" on the purchase. My family
    NEEDS WHEELS again. Not having a car is a PITA, even in the city. And
    I am getting fed up with the hassle.

    There are so many other creature comforts in the van that if I have to
    rip & burn my own "WAV" CDs, it is not the worst that could happen. :)
    NewMan, Jul 24, 2006
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