2002 Dodge Grand Caravan -- Yellow engine light would not go

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by naeem_akhtar, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. naeem_akhtar

    naeem_akhtar Guest

    On this forum, some body told me how to find the fault codes. I
    switched off and on the ignition key and found following codes:
    P 168.4
    P O44.2
    P O45.5
    P O45.6

    Is there something I can do about it? Dealer wants to charge me $80
    just to tell what is wrong with it.
    naeem_akhtar, Jun 13, 2006
  2. naeem_akhtar

    maxpower Guest


    They are evaporative leak failure codes. Meaning that your vehicle is
    letting fuel vapors leak into the atmosphere. Since one of the codes is a
    large leak and another is a small leak the first thing you can do is make
    sure your gas cap is tight.
    Other then that you can check for a cracked hose behind the air cleaner box
    and another hose under the vehicle that goes to the evap purge solonoid.
    If you take it to the dealer to have them check it out more then likely they
    will perform a smoke test on the system to locate any and all leaks and it
    will be more then $80. But this machine will find the leaks. And the other
    fault code is a battery disconnect fault.

    good luck
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jun 13, 2006
  3. naeem_akhtar

    philthy Guest

    leaking fuel vapors into the atmosphere is the quote. hmmm a emissions system
    failure and the dealer wants you to pay for check out time on something thats is
    emissions related and ins't there a 8/80 emissions warranty on that van
    philthy, Jun 14, 2006
  4. naeem_akhtar

    damnnickname Guest

    Not true again. Now let me ask you this question Dirty. If you acually
    believe that.......when a customers car comes in to the shop you work at
    (that is if you work in a shop) and it fails for a evap code such as in
    question and it has 50K on the odometer......do you tell the customer to
    take it to the dealer and have them fix it?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Jun 14, 2006
  5. Answer the question, Glenn. The OP took it to a dealer. You told him to
    take it to a dealer. He's not taking it to Dirty's shop, he's taking it to
    dealer. Isn't the a federally mandated emissions warranty on all cars?
    this an emissions failure?

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 15, 2006
  6. naeem_akhtar

    maxpower Guest

    Absolutely not a covered component!!! All you need to do is read the book
    that came with any new car and it will list all federal emissions
    components. Plugs and wires are not 8/80..if you have a bad plug or wire it
    isn't covered. Its just one of those things that Dirty does...
    My question to Dirty was if he thinks it should be warranted does he send
    his customers to the dealer????? If the vehicle was out of warranty 3/36 and
    had a MAX care service contract it would cover it. If it had an added care
    service contract it would not cover it.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jun 15, 2006
  7. naeem_akhtar

    maxpower Guest

    I don't think my first reply went thru.
    First of all I didn't tell the OP to take it to the dealer Ted. I said

    If you take it to the dealer to have them check it out more then likely
    will perform a smoke test on the system to locate any and all leaks and it
    will be more then $80. But this machine will find the leaks. And the other
    fault code is a battery disconnect fault.

    Absolutely not a covered component!!! All you need to do is read the book
    that came with any new car and it will list all federal emissions
    components. Plugs and wires are not 8/80..if you have a bad plug or wire it
    isn't covered. Its just one of those things that Dirty does...
    My question to Dirty was if he thinks it should be warranted does he send
    his customers to the dealer????? If the vehicle was out of warranty 3/36 and
    had a MAX care service contract it would cover it. If it had an added care
    service contract it would not cover it.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jun 15, 2006
  8. naeem_akhtar

    philthy Guest

    if it is indeed covered under a warranty i will tell the customer it might
    be and he/ she comes bac because i saved them some money and they always do
    and i do brakes and all the maintenance u the dealer charges way to much
    and it does happen on a regular basis
    philthy, Jun 16, 2006
  9. naeem_akhtar

    philthy Guest

    it most certainly is but the dealer will try to make a customer pay for it it's
    like saying you have to do all your maintence here or your factory warranty is
    not covered
    philthy, Jun 16, 2006
  10. naeem_akhtar

    philthy Guest

    you know as well as i do your boss and my old boss does get plugs covered under
    warranty all the time
    philthy, Jun 16, 2006
  11. naeem_akhtar

    maxpower Guest

    I have nothing else to say to you Dirty, your an idiot
    maxpower, Jun 16, 2006
  12. naeem_akhtar

    damnnickname Guest

    Sorry but I have to reply to this.YOU SAY. "if it is indeed covered under
    a warranty I will tell the customer it might be" (IT MIGHT BE?)

    So instead of getting the proper answer for your self, you tell your
    customers to take it to the dealer it may be covered!! And then what
    Dirty? They go there and find out it isnt.....do they now bring the car
    back to you because it isnt a covered part???? How many times do you have
    these customers run back and fourth before you get the hint that it isnt

    Man I'm sorry I had to get a good laugh on that.
    damnnickname, Jun 16, 2006
  13. naeem_akhtar

    philthy Guest

    admit it asshole you know i'm right
    philthy, Jun 18, 2006
  14. naeem_akhtar

    philthy Guest

    it's a emission system failure it's covered
    i have found out there is some very nasty dealers out there and they will say
    it is not covered when it is just so they can make more money
    just like you saying the maintenance must be done at the dealer or we will
    not honor your warranty and i know you have seen that or have been part of
    that at one time or another
    philthy, Jun 18, 2006
  15. naeem_akhtar

    philthy Guest

    and why do you use 2 nics????
    philthy, Jun 18, 2006
  16. naeem_akhtar

    maxpower Guest

    Another one of your lies. I have never said you must take it to the dealer.

    Little boy, all you have to do is call the toll free number in the back of
    the owners manual to answer most of your questions.

    You still havent answered my question
    maxpower, Jun 18, 2006
  17. naeem_akhtar

    maxpower Guest

    Ahhhh. Don't answer a question with a question Dirty
    maxpower, Jun 18, 2006
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