2001 Cherokee Oil pressure gauge

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jmcgill, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. jmcgill

    jmcgill Guest

    On my 2001 Jeep Cherokee 4.0L, I have noticed that my oil pressure
    gauge is not consistent. When I first start up, it reads right in the
    middle, or to the right of middle, but as the engine warms, and I'm at
    low RPMs, the pressure seems to plummet, and the gauge shows about 20
    PSI. When I am moving again, it's right back up in the middle.

    Is it a problem with the sending unit, or something much worse? The
    engine has 58,600 miles on it, and this engine is known for high
    mileage capability.....

    Any help is appreciated,

    jmcgill, Aug 29, 2006
  2. jmcgill

    philthy Guest

    first thnig to check is the pressure with a mechanical guage.this will
    tell you if a oil pump issue is starting to occur then you can go from
    there on a oil pressure sensor
    min. spec for the 4.0 is 10 psi hot idle
    philthy, Aug 29, 2006
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