2001 Caravan washer wiring??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Angel Sands, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. Angel Sands

    Angel Sands Guest

    My front washer doesn't work. Think it may be a problem with wiring.
    Replaced with new one, no sound when the switch is pushed in. Hooked up the
    rear to front so that I can see where I am going. Would be nice to see
    where I've been. If anyone can help with wiring diagram so that I might
    trace it. Or other viable place to look for a problem. Thanks.
    Angel Sands, Feb 8, 2005
  2. Angel Sands

    tdodge Guest

    did you the check the front washer fuse? if the fuse is ok disconnect the
    front washer pump connector and hook up a test light. put the aligator
    clip of the test light to chassis ground then probe both wires while
    pushing the washer pump switch(you need another person to do these test)
    test light should light up if your switch and your wiring is good from the
    switch going to washer pump. if light is detected then put the aligator
    clip of the test light to battery positive then probe the both wires of
    the connector. one of the wires should light up the test light. if test
    light doesn't light from any of the bb test procedure then you may have
    broken wires or bad switch
    tdodge, Feb 8, 2005
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