2001 Caravan airbag light acting up

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rick, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. Rick

    Rick Guest

    Hi all,
    My van has only 45,000 miles on it and on a recent trip I noticed that the
    airbag light now goes on and off in about 1-2 minute cycles, even when not
    moving the steering wheel. I know that there is a recall on earlier models
    to replace the clockspring, but none for this year.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem? What can I expect if I take it to
    a dealer to check out. I don't have an extended warranty.
    Seems like one defective thing after another with these vehicles. Poor
    heater operation, sway bar bushings, miniscule evap leak codes and now this.
    Rick, Jan 2, 2005
  2. Rick

    maxpower Guest

    Could be a few things causing this, I would have the system scanned to find
    out what the problem is. It may cause the bag to prematurely go off or not
    go when if needed
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jan 2, 2005
  3. Rick

    mic canic Guest

    the airbag system in your vehicle is a system designed to save your life and it
    will as long as the proper people with the proper tools work on it. yes it may
    cost some coin, but whats worse, not having it when you need it???
    take it to a dealer with a body shop to ensure a tech who has the exp. and the
    know how to properly fix the issue
    no guessing on this one. there was a issue with the dr. squib circuts failing
    to maintain a tight connection as well as some pretensoners issues
    and i first hand experence with one saving my life as well as years working on
    mic canic, Jan 2, 2005
  4. Rick

    Bob Snyder Guest

    Check with your local dealer to see if the 91's have been recalled for clock
    spring failure. You may be among the first to experience the problem that
    we'll see if we keep our vans long enough.
    Bob Snyder, Jan 3, 2005
  5. Rick

    maxpower Guest

    There is no recall on that yr, but before calling the dealer to check...you
    have to find out what is wrong, it could be a number of things, i highly
    recommend taking it in to have the code read
    maxpower, Jan 4, 2005
  6. When do you ever "need" airbags may I ask?

    Oh yeah I forgot -when your a dumbfuck and don't wear your seatbelt.

    It's why they are called SUPPLEMENTAL Restraint Systems.
    Just how exactly did a douchebag that exploded out of your steering wheel
    'save your life'? Did your seatbelt split in half and the douchebag catch

    Or were you one of those ones who don't wear your seatbelts because your
    afraid of driving off a cliff into a lake and not being able to get out in
    Hey, maybe the douchebag can serve as a flotation device!

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 4, 2005
  7. Rick

    maxpower Guest

    Some people just have no brains. Are you Daniel Sterns brother?
    maxpower, Jan 4, 2005
  8. Rick

    mic canic Guest

    well tim i was put in the most awkward driving scenario a driver can face what
    do you hit first after being hit, a tree, a truck well in a fraction of a second
    i picked the truck because trees don't give and at 45 mph the airbag in my
    truck went off and even with the seat belt firmly wrapped around my body i
    still became a
    airborne object but my airbag stopped that and i stayed somewhat confined
    but my hand did manage to go thru the windshield and i did suffer a pinched
    nerve in the neck
    i can't even imagine what i would look like had i not had my belt on and my
    airbag in working order
    you see tim and i will spare people of using profanity such as u used
    i have a long history of racing cars and dirtbikes and know dam well what
    safety equipment. is mean't to do so i make sure i use it
    grow up
    mic canic, Jan 6, 2005
  9. Rick

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Who the hell is 'tim?"
    aarcuda69062, Jan 6, 2005
  10. Rick

    maxpower Guest

    Some people are just really ignorant, I bet you have arguments with your dog
    dont you Cuda, and i dont mean your wife, i mean your pet
    maxpower, Jan 6, 2005
  11. Rick

    mic canic Guest

    max don't stoop it's not worth it
    mic canic, Jan 7, 2005
  12. Rick

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Yes they are. As a matter of fact, that was the whole point of
    my previous reply.
    I guess I should be the one to break it to you Glen...
    Dogs are incapable of participating in an argument.

    So, who the hell is Tim?
    aarcuda69062, Jan 7, 2005
  13. Rick

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Uh-oh.... Darryl snapped his fingers.
    aarcuda69062, Jan 7, 2005
  14. Rick

    4425241 Guest

    need to findout why airbag light staying on.I replaced rack and pinion
    gear while doing this steering wheel spun several times unhooked to rack.
    the horn and cruise also no longer work and the radio controls as well
    that are on steering wheel. thanks!
    4425241, Aug 23, 2006
  15. Rick

    maxpower Guest

    You broke the tape wire in the clockspring by letting the steering wheel
    spin. Replace the clockspring.
    Make sure the steering wheel is centered when you install this part.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Aug 24, 2006
  16. Rick

    4425241 Guest

    Thank you maxpower!What the hach is a clockspring?will i need to take to
    deal i usually do my own repairs?thank you again!
    4425241, Aug 24, 2006
  17. Rick

    Art Guest

    It is the wiring between the car and the electronics on the steering
    wheel... cruise control, air bag, horn, etc. It winds and unwinds as you
    turn the wheel. In some cases there have been recalls for clockspring
    failure but it sounds like you broke this one yourself.
    Art, Aug 24, 2006
  18. Rick

    maxpower Guest

    What Art just said except there was no recall on a clockspring for that

    maxpower, Aug 24, 2006
  19. Rick

    Art Guest

    Just to clarify, there was no recall on the 300M for clockspring failure.
    There were for other models so your dealer will be very familiar with the
    symptoms should you decide to bring it in for repair.
    Art, Aug 24, 2006
  20. Rick

    maxpower Guest

    Any time you work with the air bag system you should always disconnect the
    battery and wait about 5 minutes because working with the air bag system

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Aug 25, 2006
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