2000 voyager power steering noise

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by johnfail, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. johnfail

    johnfail Guest

    I had the steering rack replaced at 45k miles. Now at 70, I was low on
    powersteering fluid. I put some in and still hear a noise when I turn
    the wheel. I have not seen any leaks. Does anyone know what this might
    be ?
    johnfail, Apr 4, 2005
  2. johnfail

    Art Guest

    I know it is not a Chrysler but Ford for years was having problems that they
    could not figure with some Taurus's that had power steering noise. Kind of
    a hiss all the time when wheel turned even slightly. I had a Taurus without
    the sound and after a leak was fixed it started making the sound and the
    dealer told me it was normal. I did not pursue it because I sold the car
    but years later I read that Ford finally figured out that kinking power
    steering hose caused the excess noise. How stupid are they that it took
    years to figure that out. Anyway you did not discribe the noise. If a hiss
    maybe my kink idea might help.
    Art, Apr 6, 2005
  3. johnfail

    johnfail Guest

    Thanks, a friend of mine mentioned fords. I will look at the hose. It
    is hard to believe that I am the only one with such a problem.
    johnfail, Apr 7, 2005
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