2000 LHS Steering Noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Billy Gates, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. Billy Gates

    Billy Gates Guest

    Aloha all,

    My 2000 LHS (which I love) has 23,000 miles and just recently started to
    make a servo like noise when I turn the steering wheel. It starts to make
    the noise as soon as I start to turn until I stop moving the wheel. Then it
    stops. FYI, the car doesn't have to be moving for it to make the noise.
    There is plenty of fluid, no drips and doesn't apear to affect the steering.
    Anyone familiar with this problem if it is a problem?

    Mahalo for your time!
    Billy Gates, Apr 1, 2004
  2. Billy Gates

    Art Guest

    Ford had a noise problem on the Taurus steering that took them years to
    resolve. Turned out to be kinks in the hoses that the steering fluid went
    thru. Some Taurus's would be noisy and some quiet.
    Art, Apr 1, 2004
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