2000 Intrepid Steering Problems: Please Read.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by pawn, May 17, 2004.

  1. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Nope. His initial post was a response supporting an attack by Steve,
    where Bill said:

    "Yeah - I like the part about changing p.s. fluid fixing a problem that
    caused the steering wheel to clock itself 360°! Right!!"

    Which I showed conclusively was oblivious to anything I had posted prior
    to that point, and was intended to fuel the flames, nothing more. So,
    please, leave me off the guest list for the canonization.

    Your assumption is incorrect, which makes this also incorrect. If Bill
    P. was interested in helping, he had the chance when I posted first one
    month ago, and presumably had no interest in countering the only
    responders advice to change the steering fluid, (which, for the last
    time, I didn't say, and outright stated I rejected as a remedy), and
    then again when I posted two days ago. Instead, he jumped on board the
    flamefest wagon. This isn't a busy group, and I dismiss entirely that a
    group regular didn't see both of my posts.

    It's pathetic. Please stop excusing it.
    pawn, May 19, 2004
  2. pawn

    Steve B. Guest

    If (and thats a might big if) it was a false assumption it is an
    assumption that many here got from your poor choice of words. We also
    assumed that when you said you were mechanically inclined that meant
    you could do more than put gas in your car. Obviously this was also
    an incorrect assumption. You seem to feel that this group owes you
    instant 100% correct answers to your questions. The people that come
    here do so because they either need help or they live and breathe cars
    and are able to offer help. Nobody here owes you a thing and any
    advice you get here is worth slightly less than you paid for it.

    Steve B.
    Steve B., May 20, 2004
  3. pawn

    Art Guest

    I bet if you visit the groups page of www.google.com and look up Bill's
    posts in this group, you will find that they are in spirts and indeed he
    probably was not posting at the time of your previous posts or had no good
    ideas at the time to offer. Indeed he wasn't really responding to what was
    wrong with the car. He was responding to what could not possibly be wrong
    with the car.
    Art, May 20, 2004
  4. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Bullshit. 1. People jumped on board after Steve (no B) jumped to the
    wrong conclusion. 2. It's clear this group has been the focus of
    trolling in the past (hey, I own a mustang and I see the cross posted
    trolling in there all the time. Never GM, or Honda, or whatever else,
    always Chrysler). You guys are oversensitive, plain an simple.

    But I'll give you a chance. Please go through my original post and show
    me where my words are chosen poorly. I won't hold my breath, because,
    as stated, the idea is crap. I am guilty of nothing.

    You are quite simply incorrect. You are obviously following Bill P's
    incorrect tangent that *I* suggested changing the steering fluid would
    help, which of course, is wrong.

    While mechanics aren't what I do for a living, I get by. Accept it or
    don't, but I certainly know more about my abilities than you.
    Nope. Never said it. But common courtesy requires that if you have
    nothing to offer, shut your ugly yap. Simple.

    Coulda fooled me.
    You're wrong. Like anyone else, I'm owed the common courtesy which was
    absent from the very first response to my completely innocent post. You
    can try to read it differently if it makes you feel better, but you're
    wrong. This thread is ugly by your (and other people's) doing, not
    mine. I wouldn't come here again looking for help if I needed my car to
    to collect a billion trilloin dollars. Clearly, there are better
    sources out there than the oversensitive, conclusion jumping, unwilling
    to admit when wrong, attitude that prevails in here.
    pawn, May 20, 2004
  5. pawn

    pawn Guest

    I'm not sure if you're out and out dismissing what I quoted below, but
    the eternal proof exists. He may (and probably is) a great guy. Good.
    That doesn't change the fact that he made a mistake and jumped on
    board by supporting Steve(no B)'s provocative, false and asshole derived
    pawn, May 20, 2004
  6. pawn

    mic canic Guest

    i have done quite a few racks in these cars for the same issue and a reman is
    345.00 in mi.
    mic canic, May 20, 2004
  7. pawn

    Bill Putney Guest

    "asshole derived" should be hyphenated.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, May 20, 2004
  8. pawn

    Geoff Guest

    <meta discuss>
    Look, dude, there's a lot of divergent viewpoints on this group, that's for
    sure. A lot of the regular posters don't always get along, much less agree
    on anything except that we live and breathe Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth and
    Jeep. However, many are pretty fair-minded, and will jump in to help
    someone who's being treated unfairly, even if it also means jumping on
    another regular. A quick run through in Google will confirm this.

    It's remarkable that this hasn't happened in your case, wouldn't you say?
    There's one or two posts in this thread that are more or less neutral, and
    the rest are uniformly against you. We don't typically agree to this
    degree, if you will. You might wanta consider that.

    I've googled your posts in the other NGs. You seem like a reasonable guy,
    and your posts in the hockey NGs certainly aren't trolls. You're probably
    pissed because you just spent a lot of money on your car you didn't want to.
    We've all been there.

    You inadvertently pushed a hot button with the website and mention of the
    lawsuit. This is a NG with probably 80% American regulars. And yes,
    probably a big majority of the Americans have been involved in, or affected
    by a lawsuit in one way or another. So, we're touchy about lawsuits. Go

    Virtually all newsgroups have a couple of hot buttons like this. There is a
    section in the FAQ about what those buttons are here, but it's not up to
    date. Sorry. And some of us--me included--have apologized already, which
    is remarkable. Not that it's worth a lot, but we're trying.

    We're don't much like giving in around here, but we do forgive and forget
    pretty quickly. Why don't you think about that before you post again?
    </meta discuss>

    Geoff, May 20, 2004
  9. pawn

    Bob Shuman Guest


    Note: This is my first and last posting to this thread.

    I am requesting that you (and other participants) just drop this thread
    since it no longer serves any useful purpose. Why is it so important for you
    to prove your actions (continuing to drive the vehicle) never placed anyone
    in harm's way or that your intentions/attitude were "misunderstood" or taken
    out of context in the first few messages?

    The bottom line is that we have/can read all of the postings and the replies
    for ourselves and then draw our own conclusions. By your continuing to
    extend this thread ,my own personal perception is that you have actually
    hurt your case. I've noted that Steve (no B) and others who let you know
    what they thought about continuing to drive an unsafe vehicle appear to have
    ceased responding several days ago(but are no doubt raising their eyebrows
    when reading your follow up posts). Do what you will, but I strongly
    encourage you to consider if this is worth continuing to invest your time
    and energy.

    BTW, I am sorry that you had a problem with your steering rack, but am glad
    that you were able to get it fixed. Please do not hesitate to give this
    newsgroup a try in the future. I believe the lack of a response to your
    initial problem was because nobody had encountered the symptoms you
    described previously.

    Bob Shuman, May 20, 2004
  10. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Considered. Thanks. However, I must extend the offer to you as well to
    point out where I went wrong in my original post. Every time I reread
    it I shake my head in how clear and unprovocative it is.
    Seeing as how this thread went south before I even spent money, I would
    have to reject this.
    I already admitted that this group has a collective insecurity problem.
    Want me to "admit" it again? Again, I see the cross posts in the
    Mustang group on a a weekly basis. I've always wondered what the
    problem is with the Chrysler group. This is sincere BTW.
    Now we're talking sense. And you're the very first poster in this
    thread to even offer the very smallest of olive branch to say: "hey,
    maybe we misinterpreted what you said". Actually, Art was pretty cool.
    Good enough. Would it help clear things up if I admitted I've been
    pissed off since Steve's first post and have decided to hold ground at
    any cost ever since? Doesn't make me right to do so, but it doesn't
    make me wrong.
    Excellent post, and to be honest, and I appreciate that you swallowed it
    a little. In all honesty, I never would have known about that seat belt
    interlock sensor in my '74 Dart were it not for this group. So, Hell, I
    take it all back. ;^)
    pawn, May 21, 2004
  11. pawn

    pawn Guest

    That isn't what was misunderstood. That's open to debate. I would
    accept the opinion that I drove the car too long. I guess I probably
    did. But my intentions aren't what were misunderstood. Notice I could
    care less about the attacks on intelligence and mechanical ability.
    Pffft. What pissed me off was the assumption I was here mining for
    information for legal purposes.
    I agree I've let anger get the better of me.
    Just to be clear, Steve-no-B let me know a lot more than that. If you
    want an honest response from me, be honest with yourself as well. He
    was quite simply insulting. Maybe not as insulting as the stand up guy
    that stated he would be OK with me expiring in a car accident, but

    I appreciate your response. This type of intelligent input is always
    helpful and will solicit (what I hope) is an equivalent response from me
    every time.
    pawn, May 21, 2004
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