2000 Intrepid Steering Problems: Please Read.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by pawn, May 17, 2004.

  1. pawn

    pawn Guest


    I posted a few months back about a problem that started with the
    steering system in my 2000 Intrepid (base model, 2.7L engine).

    Basically one day the steering locked up going around a tight corner. I
    managed to wrestle the wheel back to straight, but at that point it was

    Over the last few weeks this has happened, to a much lesser extent,
    quite a few times. Every time it happens, the steering wheel misaligns
    a little more when driving straight. At this point, the wheel has made
    a complete 360 and is back to the normal position.

    The steering is also a little loose now, in my opinion.

    I got little response when posting this previously (someone with a
    similar problem said they were told the entire rack needed replacing,
    but they replaced the power steering fluid, and the problem went away).

    I'm not much interested in a quick fix, rather, I want to know my family
    is safe. But I also don't want to be gouged for unneccesary work.
    Therefore, I did a little research, lo and behold, it's major problem
    with 1993 - 2000 Intrepids involving a law suit:


    I'm heading to a Chrylser dealership, but I want to know what to ask.
    My car has almost 200,000 kms on it, so I'm not looking for warranty
    work, just the proper fix at the right price.

    The above link talks about inner tie rod bolts. Another site says
    somethign similar:

    "Did your steering bolts go on your Intrepid, causing you to lose
    complete control of your car?"


    Even another site (a forum) talked about gears being stripped, etc.

    My main question is, does this sound right for my problem? Can bolts be
    replaced, or is it a much bigger problem? Is there any way I can check
    this out myself (I'm fairly mechically capable)?

    This might be pertinent: when my car had less than 10,000 kms on it,
    the power steering pump blew out and dumped power steering fluid all
    over the road. The pump was replaced under warranty and it never
    happened again.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

    pawn, May 17, 2004
  2. pawn

    Geoff Guest

    Basically one day the steering locked up going around a tight corner. I
    <snip lawsuit text>

    So you want to make sure your family's safe, but you're afraid of paying too
    much, eh? And obviously, you're willing to wait the two or three years it
    will take for any case to go through the trial process, since you've waited
    several months so far without having it fixed.

    So either you're trolling or waiting for Darwinian natural selection to
    happen. I'm guessing the former, but the latter wouldn't upset me. Just
    out of curiosity, which is it?

    Geoff, May 17, 2004
  3. pawn

    Steve Guest

    And you continued to DRIVE the car to this point, KNOWING that something
    is in the process of tearing itself apart in the steering mechanism, and
    that at any second it could fail completely at highway speed, causing
    you to kill innocent people in other vehicles (nevermind yourself)?

    What are you doing, campaigning for a Darwin award? Do you expect
    sympathy for such stupid actions, knowingly putting your life at risk
    and then looking to blame it on "defective design?" Yes, designs CAN be
    "defective." But even if it is a factory defect, you, as the
    (presumably) intelligent owner/operator of the vehicle, got an ample
    warning of an impending mechanical failure. If I were a lawyer, I'd
    argue that you forfeited your right to any claim by continuing to drive
    the car.
    family is safe.

    Your actions say otherwise, and the Chrysler-bashing site you quote
    indicates a high probability that you are a troll.
    Steve, May 17, 2004
  4. pawn

    Art Guest

    I would have the car TOWED to a dealer.
    Art, May 17, 2004
  5. pawn

    pawn Guest


    Thanks anyway.
    pawn, May 17, 2004
  6. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Thanks for also not answering. The car is at the dealer.

    I was merely looking for information so I can communicate with them. If
    you don't have that information, I would suggest looking for a flame
    fest at alt.religion or something.
    pawn, May 17, 2004
  7. pawn

    pawn Guest

    On second review, sorry, you didn't say anything wrong.

    Steve got me going a little I guess (as in hook, line and sinker).

    pawn, May 17, 2004
  8. pawn

    Geoff Guest

    You've got a lot of nerve, waiving around a lawsuit and then accusing others
    of being inflammatory.

    Hopefully the cost to fix the car will be some large multiple of *what you
    have*. Then you can take your stupidity on the bus with you.

    Geoff, May 17, 2004
  9. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Jeebus, sorry for providing all the information I could. What is this?
    Has this friggin' group been collectively sued or something? You
    might wanna do a little searching in here and see I own three Chrysler
    vehicles, a 1995 Jeep Gran Cherokee, a 2000 Intrepid and a 1974 Dart
    Swinger. Doesn't sound like I have much of an ax to grind, but I guess
    you friggin' mind readers know better.

    Yes, that's right. Maybe you like giving blank cheques to mechanics, I
    don't. And since they just now suggested the entire rack needs
    replacing, and since I've found other information on tie rock bolts that
    is contrary to their opinion, I don't feel I've done the wrong thing by
    not blindly handing $1,200 to them. But I'm sure that method works for
    you, good luck with it.

    No, actually, since the car has been driving fine, I let it go for too
    long. I'm a pretty busy guy, and we've been driving the Jeep for
    highway travel, if it's any of your business. I only just found that
    information before posting. That site was the first, or one of the
    first, items that popped up after a quick Googling.

    Are you insane? So basically you're saying you would like to see me
    killed in an accident. That's real classy.

    I've got a third option, I'll let you guess how I'd like to involve you
    in slowing my car down if it goes out of control.
    pawn, May 17, 2004
  10. pawn

    Steve Guest

    You expect me to gleefully provide information for you to sue despite
    your own willful risk-taking by continuing to drive the car after an
    OBVIOUS failure in a CRITICAL system, and therefore take money out of
    all our pockets?


    Besides, I've heard *nothing* in legitimate automotive forums about any
    inherent flaw in either the first- or second-generation LH car steering
    mechanism. Its the same parts, with minor variations, made by companies
    like Saginaw, Moog, and TRW, that are found on numerous brands of cars.
    Steve, May 17, 2004
  11. pawn

    pawn Guest


    No, I expect nothing of you. You have jumped to an erroneous conclusion
    and obviously intend to continue to feel you're right about it. I was
    merely looking to have an idea about what was wrong before visiting a
    dealership. I applaud your thickheadedness, but unfortunately, have no
    more time for it. Good luck.
    pawn, May 18, 2004
  12. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Please show me where I "waived around " a lawsuit. Look, it's quite
    simple, if you can help, please do. If not, shut your friggin' yap and
    get back to gouging people too lazy to educate themselves.
    Thanks again Jethro. You know, there's a reason you go home at the end
    of the day covered in grime, and I don't. I'll let you figure that out
    with your vast intelligence.
    pawn, May 18, 2004
  13. pawn

    Steve B. Guest

    So you've been driving a car for a couple of months after you already
    know there is something VERY wrong with the steering? If you don't
    care about your own life please atleast consider that my family is out
    there on the road with you.

    Steve B.
    Steve B., May 18, 2004
  14. pawn

    Art Guest

    Just to tone everyone down....

    he never said he was interested in a lawsuit. The site he found was
    regarding a lawsuit so he thusly described it. So cool it about him filing
    a lawsuit. He wants to be knowledgable about the problem and avoid being
    ripped off. Lets face it, plenty of dealers do rip people off from time to
    time... or diagnose a problem improperly and cost the customer money even if
    not intending to rip the customer off.

    On the other hand, no one should be driving around a car with a questionable
    front end.
    Art, May 18, 2004
  15. pawn

    Art Guest

    By the way the website with the lawsuit is quite humorous. As far as I
    know, all car manufacturers will call 1 quart per 1000 miles normal.....
    which indeed sucks... but it isn't just Chrysler.
    The part about the car running out of oil between oil changes was really
    Hope you get your car fixed ok.
    Art, May 18, 2004
  16. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Not sure why I'm still bothering. I went back and read my post a
    couple of times now, it's not inflammatory at all, and I said nothing of
    the kind. I said there was a problem, asked advice in here and was told
    changing the power steering fluid would fix it. I found out *this
    morning* it was major problem.

    I'm at least starting to understand that the responses I'm getting are a
    combination of protecting information ("take money out of our pockets")
    and over sensitivity about Chrysler defects. It may well be that this
    group has been subjected to trolling in the past regarding Chrysler
    defects, but you're quite simply wrong in this case.
    pawn, May 18, 2004
  17. pawn

    pawn Guest

    Too late. Seen it happen to too many people on Usenet. Once the smell
    of blood permeates, all the usuals are hungry for a taste. But hey, at
    least people responded this time I asked.
    Thank you for reading my original post, and again, sorry for the
    unwarranted attack.

    Which is why the car is at the dealer now, the very day I realized the
    problem was bigger than I thought. Again, the car drove fine. The
    wheel grabbing only happened when steering tight curves, which by
    definition, happens at slow, safe speeds.

    Unfortunately for me, I have to take them on their word that the entire
    rack needs replacing, since my attempts to find information about were
    met with a snowball of infantilism and pettiness.
    pawn, May 18, 2004
  18. pawn

    pawn Guest

    I really only read the part about the steering. I usually avoid people
    with an agenda. I've had pretty good luck with vehicles in my years of
    ownership, including my Chrysler vehicles. A car with 200,000 kms of
    incident free driving (actually, I had three very early problems, all
    under warranty: the power steering pump, a bad wheel bearing and the
    cam sensor quit too), will have a problem or two. I'd buy the same car
    again, since it's the only full size car I can afford. In fact, I'd say
    they give them away.
    I'm sure it will be fixed. $1,200 is nothing compared to peace of mind.
    Not to sound like a parrot, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a
    $175 tie rod bolt problem first. I now wish I had found nothing in a
    Google search. Ignorance is bliss.

    Thanks again.
    pawn, May 18, 2004
  19. pawn

    Bill Putney Guest

    Yeah - I like the part about changing p.s. fluid fixing a problem that
    caused the steering wheel to clock itself 360°! Right!!

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, May 18, 2004
  20. pawn

    Bill Putney Guest

    Your not being rational about this. Your steering wheel moving 360°
    would not be related to tie rod bolts (I assume you're referring to tie
    rod bushings wearing out here, which does happen, but does not lead to
    problems like you're claiming), nor to p.s. fluid needing replacing
    (which you indicated in another post might solve the problem). Rack is
    much more likely.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, May 18, 2004
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