2000 Grand Caravan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ncs, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. ncs

    ncs Guest

    I'm considering buying a used 2000 GV with 81,000 miles on it. Asking price
    is $5990. 3.3 engine. It doesn't have the overhead trip computer,
    temperature and compass on it. We really like this feature and wondered if
    anyone knows how difficult it would be to install this in this van. Or
    should I not even try. I think the temp sensor is behind the grill, but
    don't know what other things I may need to add.

    ncs, Apr 7, 2006
  2. If the transmission has never been rebuilt then take a pass. The overhead
    ties into a lot of stuff, it would be a major project to add a factory OEM
    one in.
    You would probably have to start by pulling down the headliner and pulling
    all the
    interior body plastic and dashboard out to get at the wire harnesses. The
    body wire
    harnesses between the overhead trip computer vehicles and the non-overhead
    trip computer
    vehicles are different.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Apr 11, 2006
  3. ncs

    ncs Guest


    Thanks for the advice. Seems like a bigger job than I'd want to tackle.
    One question on the trans though. I thought Chrysler got past their
    transmission problems in the late 90's. If not, do you know which years
    would be a better buy.

    thanks again,
    ncs, Apr 11, 2006
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