2000 grand caravan won't shift above 2nd

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by gary, May 28, 2005.

  1. gary

    gary Guest

    Just drove my daughter to a friends house, 20 minute trip - no problems,
    shut off the vehicle, went to leave and check engine light is on and my
    tranny won't go above 2nd. I have never had any mechanical problems with
    this vehicle before. I am hoping it is something simple as opposed to a
    tranny rebuild as it happened so fast with no signs of tranny problems.
    Were would I start trouble shooting?


    PS I have the sport, towing package and 3.8L engine.
    gary, May 28, 2005
  2. gary

    gary Guest

    Doing an internet search it seems that my vehicle is in "limp mode". Using
    a method to show error codes on my odometer I see that is shows engine
    diagnostic code 23. Doing another internet search on "23" I find a throttle
    body temperature senor failure or bad connection/wiring.

    Does this sound like I am heading in the right direction?

    gary, May 29, 2005
  3. gary

    severeuke Guest

    vehicle speed sensor. 80 bucks to test and 80 for the part. (prolly)
    severeuke, May 29, 2005
  4. gary

    severeuke Guest

    vehicle speed sensor. 80 bucks to test and 80 for the part. (prolly)
    severeuke, May 29, 2005
  5. gary

    Bob Shuman Guest


    Given no previous symptoms or signs of a pending problem, I'd suspect an
    electronic sensor that provides input to the transmission, or possibly an
    internal solenoid failure.

    The most common cause of this seems to be a bad vehicle speed sensor. There
    are actually two of them used; one that provides the speed of the wheels
    (output) and also drives the vehicle speedometer, and a 2nd that is used to
    provide the speed of the engine shaft (input). Do you still have a working
    speedometer? If so, it may be the input speed sensor. If not, it
    definitely is the output speed sensor. The sensors themselves are slightly
    different and cost at the dealer IIRC is about $25-$30. Replacement is a 5
    minute job as they simply have one clip on connector and then screw into the
    trans body. In some cases the connection ns themselves can be corroded, and
    simply cleaning is all that is required, but in most cases the VSS outright
    just plain stops working when it fails.

    If the sensors are good, then it could be a solenoid. In any event, reading
    the transmission computer trouble code will provide you with the next
    steps. Make sure if you do not do the work yourself to take it to someone
    that has a good reputation AND experience with Chrysler transmissions since
    many will tell you that you need an expensive rebuild, which is likely not
    the case based on the failure description.

    Good luck!

    Bob Shuman, May 29, 2005
  6. gary

    gary Guest

    Thanks for that insight!!!!

    Maybe this would help. I disconnected the neg on the battery and
    reconnected. I was able to drive for about 20 min again before the light
    came on and it went into limp mode again. I did not go into limp mode while
    I was driving but while I stopped and had it in park both times after 20 min
    of driving. When I went back into gear is when it went into limp mode.

    I still have my speedometer. On top of that about a month and a half ago I
    was on the highway and a semi hit a wolf in front of me and I was right
    behind him ready to pass. Boom I hit the dead carcass and broke up my front
    bumper. A big mess it took several washings before I could get all the meat
    and bones off the underside. Right after I started to lose rad fluid and
    found I had a cracked thermostat housing. I just kept topping up to finish
    my trip, but to jar the vehicle that much I could have damaged some wiring
    under the van. I am going to put it up on ramps right now and have a look.
    Two years ago I was also in an accident to the front end where a fellow went
    through a stop sign. I suppose stuff the body shop missed can turn up years
    later too????

    The error code 23 says that corresponds to a throttle body temperature
    sensor failure but my Haynes book says that is only applicable to 4 cyl and
    mine is the 3.8L???

    Just got back from Canadian Tire and they do not carry any sensors that it
    might be so I will have to see if I can get to a jobber or dealer on Monday.

    I have to get the kids to school Monday/Tuesday and I can take Wednesday off
    to fix the van. Can I do any damage driving it up to say 60km/h in 2nd for
    a 20 min round trip 4 times or should I not drive it at all in limp mode?

    Thx again
    gary, May 29, 2005
  7. This "trick" has burned up many a Chrysler transmission by people who
    cleverly figure out they can "reset" the transmission by restarting the
    vehicle. Fix it now before a small problem becomes a large one.
    NAPA will have them.
    Daniel J. Stern, May 29, 2005
  8. gary

    gary Guest

    Nope, I wasn't using the trick to just reset the tranny, I was hoping I
    could recreate the problem by wiggling connectors to see if that gives me
    the code again. I have removed and cleaned as necessary any connectors and
    checked all visible wiring. Everything looks good under there. I was
    hoping there would be some obvious damage somewhere to a sensor/wire. The
    only connector I haven't fooled with is the input sensor. The van is still
    on ramps so I am going to do that right now.

    Tomorrow I will go to NAPA and pick up an input speed sensor and replace it.
    Failing that I think I will then replace the solenoid pack. If that doesn't
    work then......??? Suggestions welcome :)

    I guess I wasted $19.95 on the Hayes book - you are correct, I'm trying to
    find locations for some of these sensors and the book nowhere even discusses
    them let alone show a diagram.

    gary, May 29, 2005
  9. gary

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I'd suggest you go ahead and replace the input sensor as it is fairly cheap
    and easy to do, and if that does not fix things then get the codes read by
    competent transmission service that has experience with Chrysler
    transmissions before replacing the solenoid pack. The computer diagnostic
    code is needed to be able to point you in the right direction. Without it
    you are just replacing parts and it could get expensive with no guarantee
    you will fix the problem.

    Based on what you've said, it does not sound as though this is related to
    the previous work done or your encounter with the deer. I also suspect you
    may not have the correct error code description for this problem.

    Bob Shuman, May 30, 2005
  10. Don't. If the input speed sensor doesn't fix it, it's time for systematic
    Daniel J. Stern, May 30, 2005
  11. You need a diagnostic computer to read the trans codes.
    You should drive it as little as possible. Take it to a competent Chrysler
    trans shop
    and if they tell you it needs a rebuild, go to a second shop for a second
    Without a vehicle service manual your just screwing around wasting your

    Once it comes back from the shop then use this as a lesson to start
    obtaining all
    the service information, then once you have obtained it, read it. The
    factory service
    manual is a great tool but Chrysler also puts out a number of other manuals
    pertain, espically if you have a diagnostic computer. (which aren't that
    if you get them used off Ebay)

    Ted Mittelstaedt, May 30, 2005
  12. gary

    gary Guest

    Thanks for that. I replaced the input speed sensor this morning thinking
    that might do it. Disconnected the battery to clear the light. Took it for
    a run and the light came back on. :-(. Drove it to a repair shop that I go
    to and they pulled a code which says symptom: P0755-2-4 Solenoid circuit,
    with a list of 10 possible causes. The mechanic seems to think it is the
    solenoid pack but didn't want to replace it only to find that the code
    showed up again. They said their best tranny guy was at another location and
    that I should go over there.

    Went to the other location and he can't look at it until tomorrow (Tuesday)
    morning. He says that the solenoid pack doesn't go too often, but I told
    him that I got hit by a fellow who went through a stop sign the Christmas
    eve before last - almost $6000 damage to van - and he said that it could
    have been damaged in the accident and is showing up now, but he said he
    would hook it up to better diagnostic equipment than they had at the other
    shop specific to trannys. He said it could even be a retaining clip that is
    known to snap in those VIN L (3.8L) trannys and would need to be opened up.

    I'm hoping for the cheapest option.

    Gary ;-)
    gary, May 31, 2005
  13. gary

    Sarge Guest

    : "The mechanic seems to think it is the solenoid pack but
    didn't want to replace it only to find that the code showed up again. They
    said their best tranny guy was at another location and that I should go over

    He sounds like a good shop. Thye just didn't take your money. They dii
    what was best for the customer and sent you somewhere else that was best
    equiped to handle your problem. I would consider doing business with them
    if I every needed their services.

    Sarge, May 31, 2005
  14. gary

    gary Guest

    On top of that the diagnostic charge was $97 + tax (CAD) and said it had to
    be paid to released the vehicle. Then the guy went into the back and came
    back and said no charge. He said if I am going to the other shop the
    mechanic there will want to do his own diagnostics and they did not want to
    charge me twice! Rare to find these days.
    gary, May 31, 2005
  15. gary

    gary Guest

    Update - Just got back from picking up the van. It was the solenoid pack.
    Very thankful it was not a tranny problem - happy to pay the $468.86 (CAD)
    ($385 USD) bill.

    1hr Diagnostic $83
    1.5 labor $124.50
    Fluid $12
    A604 Solenoid Pack $200
    Shop supplies $18.68
    Balance tax

    A happy Gary,
    PS thx to all who gave me insight into this problem. I like to do my own
    repairs, but once it was diagnosed and they did not burn me on the part
    price, it wasn't worth my time to do the labor.
    gary, Jun 1, 2005
  16. gary

    largtr Guest

    I am having the very same symptoms with my '97 T & C Lxi, 3.8L.

    I am a mechanic so I have access to the computer diagnostic codes.
    The codes I have retreived are P0733 and P0700; incorrect ratio gear 3
    and trans control system malfunction.
    This is all I found out and, of course, I have been assuming the wors
    until I found this thread!

    I will look into the solenoid pack as soon as I get back to the shop
    largtr, Jun 8, 2005
  17. gary

    gary Guest

    The 1st mechanic found P0755-2-4 "solenoid circuit" in his diagnostics, and
    P1784, and P0731 "additional gear ratio error in 1st". But those were
    engine codes. They told me to take it to their tranny specialist at another
    shop and he did his own diagnostics with what he said were specific tranny
    computer readers which then told him it was the solenoid pack.

    However after the repair I sometimes get a small jerk when slowing down and
    it shifts into 1st and sometimes a chatter/vibration (vibrates the change in
    the ashtray) when going from 2nd to 3rd. I looked at my Hayes manual and it
    says that after the repair the transmission needs to "relearn" how to shift
    properly. It has only been about a week or so so I hope it will train
    itself and go shifting problem will go away.

    Hope you find a cheaper problem than a tranny rebuild.

    gary, Jun 9, 2005
  18. gary

    largtr Guest

    I ran it through a series of switch tests and, apparently, my solenoid
    all check out.
    Now I need to trace the wiring and look for an electrical problem
    Maybe the PCM or transmission control module,
    or possibly a bad connector or wire.
    It seems like it may be electrical and not mechanical
    largtr, Jun 9, 2005
  19. gary

    gary Guest

    how about the solenoid relay?

    gary, Jun 10, 2005
  20. gary

    gary Guest

    or the input sensor?

    gary, Jun 10, 2005
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