20% of Chrysler is worth zero dollars

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by hcobb, Oct 24, 2008.

  1. hcobb

    hcobb Guest

    hcobb, Oct 24, 2008
  2. hcobb

    MoPar Man Guest

    I'll tell ya, for those that now own the limited run of 2008 Dodge
    Challengers, those cars will be worth a small fortune soon.

    Anyone want to place any bets that there won't be a 2009 model year for
    the Challenger?
    MoPar Man, Oct 25, 2008
  3. hcobb

    rob Guest

    09s are on the lots already

    rob, Oct 25, 2008
  4. hcobb

    Some O Guest

    I'll tell ya, for those that now own the limited run of 2008 Dodge
    Challengers, those cars will be worth a small fortune soon.

    Anyone want to place any bets that there won't be a 2009 model year for
    the Challenger?[/QUOTE]

    I'm placing my bets on my last year of the great 300M- 2004.
    Actually I'm betting I can get 10 more years out of it, even if Chrysler
    is pushed aside.
    It's a sad time in the auto world, when a great vehicle company like
    Chrysler bites the dust.
    I'll bet they wish the name Daimler was never heard inside Chrysler.
    Some O, Oct 26, 2008
  5. hcobb

    rob Guest

    i love the stupid quote from Dr. Z last year. "we tried to improve the
    quality in Chrysler products but the American people are unwilling to pay
    for it".

    no, i wanted a Chrysler not a Mercedes...but he didn't seem to get that.

    I'm placing my bets on my last year of the great 300M- 2004.
    Actually I'm betting I can get 10 more years out of it, even if Chrysler
    is pushed aside.
    It's a sad time in the auto world, when a great vehicle company like
    Chrysler bites the dust.
    I'll bet they wish the name Daimler was never heard inside Chrysler.[/QUOTE]
    rob, Oct 26, 2008
  6. hcobb

    MoPar Man Guest

    This coming from Daimler who had huge quality issues with their E class
    during the years they owned Chrysler.

    Dr. Z's idea of improving Chrysler cars was stuffing them with Mercedes
    parts, and then wondering why the end result cost so much when the Euro
    was at an all time high vs the USD.

    Chrysler was raped by their own exec's when they arranged to have
    Daimler buy them. They got their golden parachutes for it. I'm glad
    that (on paper) Daimler eventually got financially screwed over by the

    The next generation of the 300M (300N) would have taken Chrysler to new
    styling and quality heights, but Daimler would have none of that.

    I thought I heard a few months ago that some Russian car company was in
    talks with Chrysler to buy their LH tooling (assuming they have some of
    it left).
    MoPar Man, Oct 26, 2008
  7. hcobb

    MoPar Man Guest

    Ok, I was a bit wrong on the details, but this must be what I remember



    In April 2006, Chrysler announced that Gorky Automotive Works (GAZ), a
    Russian automaker, was buying Chrysler's entire Sterling Heights
    production line and moving it to Russia, where the Sebring and Stratus
    got a new lease on life - under license. It was announced at the time
    that 65,000 vehicles would be made each year - well under the plant's
    capacity but quite a bit for Russia. GAZ said it would buy Chrysler 2.4
    liter engines made in Mexico (the 2.0-liter based ones used in
    first-generation PT Cruisers, not the World Engines) for GAZ's vehicles,
    in a long-term contract. The Sterling Heights stopped building the “JR”
    (second-generation Stratus/Sebring) cars in May 2006, in favor of a
    completely new design (*) using Mitsubishi Galant dimensions.
    MoPar Man, Oct 26, 2008
  8. hcobb

    Lloyd Guest

    I remember Car & Driver saying, "we weren't asking for a C-class at
    Accord prices, but how about an Accord at Accord prices?"
    But Mercedes is improving (see this month's Consumer Reports and J D
    Power rankings) whereas Chrysler continues to worsen in quality.
    Their biggest mistake was passing over Lutz for Eaton as chairman.
    Lutz understood Europe and understood global economics, and was a
    "car" guy.
    Lloyd, Oct 28, 2008
  9. hcobb

    Steve Guest

    That's called an "Avenger." But the unwashed buying public still thinks
    an Accord is somehow better.
    Of course- they took everything worth taking from Chrysler and spat out
    the remnants. GM would do even worse- they'd use the cash to prop
    themselves up for another year, then *they'd* implode.

    Chrysler would do best to go forward with their partial alliance with
    Nissan, ultimately with a goal of jettisoning the remnants of Renault
    and taking full control of Nissan.
    Steve, Oct 28, 2008
  10. hcobb

    Some O Guest

    That was their problem IMO.
    They bought Chrysler so they could sell more vehicles of their liking.

    Of course it also was nice they could share parts with Chryslers large
    volume, lowering their parts cost.
    Some O, Oct 29, 2008
  11. hcobb

    Some O Guest

    Nope, I'm not interested in a Russian import.

    They can have the Sebring, both the one they already have and the
    current one.
    Some O, Oct 29, 2008
  12. hcobb

    Some O Guest

    If only it was a decision of Chrysler's management.
    Unfortunately it will be a bean counter decision by Cerberus.
    Some O, Oct 29, 2008
  13. hcobb

    Lloyd Guest

    Yeah. The Avenger doesn't ride as well, handle as well, accelerate as
    well, get as good gas mileage, have as much room, have the resale
    value, have the reliability, or have the quality. Except for all
    that, it's equal.

    So exactly what does Mercedes have "from Chrysler" now? Be specific.
    Lloyd, Oct 29, 2008
  14. Claiming that Merc "took everything worth taking" is rather jaundiced...

    Many voices in Germany were against the takeover of Chrysler, saying it
    would adversely affect the car and the brand. A number of Merc models did
    have serious problems (confirmed by my local Merc garage in west London, UK)
    but NOT all. One or two of them were manufactured abroad -- e.g. South
    Africa, USA -- and the problems have been identified. By the time top
    management publicly admitted to quality problems they were well on the way
    to being solved.

    For example, a current A-Class is a fine vehicle, whereas early ones are
    not. The CLK never had any problems. The B-Class was fine from the
    beginning. Etc etc.

    Daimler Benz management decided to buy Chrysler for several reasons, not all
    being sensible. One story that did the rounds was that the 'merger' allowed
    the new company to be listed on the NYSE as a US company, giving the top
    executives the ability to claim huge salary increases to bring them in line
    with the execs of other US companies.

    In the past DB had embarked on other stupid ventures that were good for the
    egos of the managers, such as buying AEG, a large bankrupt white-goods
    company (fridges and other domestic goods) and getting into aerospace. Lost

    Maybe now they will concentrate on what they are good at: cars, lorries and


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 29, 2008
  15. hcobb

    Steve Guest

    Subjective, and I disagree.

    handle as well,

    Subjective, and I disagree.
    Objective, and the 3.5L Avenger R/T will blow any Accord off the road if
    speed is what you want.

    get as good gas mileage, have as much room,

    Maybe, but its very close on both.

    have the resale value,

    Not why I buy a car. I keep cars 15+ years, on average.
    have the reliability,

    Yeah, Sure.
    Steve, Oct 31, 2008
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