1998 Town&Country Headlights

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Scott Ehardt, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Scott Ehardt

    Scott Ehardt Guest

    I recently purchased a 1998 Town & Country minivan that has automatic
    headlights. The problem is, the lights do not come on as soon as (darkness
    level) I think they should. So, I would like to know where the photocell is
    that controls the lights so that maybe I can put something dark over it to
    make the lights come on sooner. Any other solutions to this problem would
    also be appreciated!

    Scott Ehardt, Mar 5, 2004
  2. Scott Ehardt

    jdoe Guest

    The sensor is right below the rv mirror stem against the windshield.
    jdoe, Mar 5, 2004
  3. Scott Ehardt

    Bones Guest

    Wish I had that problem.
    I'm trying to figure out why mine never turn off! (97 LHS)
    Just replaced the sensor in the middle of the dash to no avail.
    Maybe whoever helps you on this can shed some light on my problem
    Good luck,
    Bones, Apr 2, 2004
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