1998 Dodge Caravan electrical wierdness

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by robert.macnutt, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. My '98 Caravan, which up til now has been extremely reliable, now is
    dead, and displaying very odd symptoms. My wife had driven it about 45
    minutes to a friends house, no problems. 3 hours after she got there,
    she went to start the van, and it wouldn't do anything. What was wierd
    was when she took the key out of the ignition, there was a clicking
    noise under the dash, to the left of the steering wheel. This noise
    just continued and wouldn't stop. WIth key in iginition, nothing
    worked - no panel, no lights, nothing. The friends husband messed with
    it a bit, said at one point the dome light came on, but was going on
    and off, and the panel lit up and acted erratically, but each time he
    turned the ignition on, everything went deal.

    Does this sound like something as simple as a weak battery, or does it
    sound more like some bizarre electrical problem, or a failed computer
    module of some sort? The battery is just over four years old, and was
    a fairly premium model when I bought it. Haven't had any trouble
    starting it lately.
    robert.macnutt, Aug 16, 2006
  2. robert.macnutt

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi Robert...

    Don't know if the symptoms are sufficiently related to
    be of interest, but had weird similar things happening once..
    intermittently... one day fine, the next not.

    Turned out to be one cell in the battery intermittently
    shorted (while hot).

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Aug 16, 2006
  3. robert.macnutt

    NewMan Guest

    Yup! Had the same thing happen on my old 94 Acclaim. Intermittent
    short on one cell in the battery. That wuld be the very first thing I
    would check.
    NewMan, Aug 16, 2006
  4. robert.macnutt

    Nirodac Guest

    My 1st though would be the battery, age is about right for a
    failure, likely one or two cells gone south.
    Jump start may not work, try a new or different battery.
    Had this on my Cougar, and Astro Van (twice) and Laser, jumps
    didn't work, replacing battery fixed problem.
    Nirodac, Aug 16, 2006
  5. robert.macnutt

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Sounds to me like the battery is bad, the external connections to it are
    loose/dirty/intermittent, or possibly a bad alternator not allowing the
    battery to charge. IN any event, it should be a fairly simple and painless
    fix once you know which it is.

    Bob Shuman, Aug 16, 2006
  6. Yep, it was a bad battery. Put a new one in, and it cranked up and
    everything worked fine.

    Only one minor remaining problem: The lights on the A/C, Recirculate,
    Rear Wiper and Rear Wiper Intermittent buttons all blink on and off
    together. The buttons all do what they're supposed to, you just can't
    tell if they're on or off. My wife drove it home, and after a while
    (20-30 minutes I think) the lights went off, but next time she stopped
    and started it up they went back to blinking.

    Any ideas about that?
    robert.macnutt, Aug 16, 2006
  7. robert.macnutt

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    Battery voltage has been too low/disconnected too long,
    just requires reset... (I think :)


    Ken Weitzel, Aug 16, 2006
  8. robert.macnutt

    philthy Guest

    clean battery posts and cables ends thensee what happens
    philthy, Aug 17, 2006
  9. robert.macnutt

    bllsht Guest

    Needs to be calibrated. Just can't remember the right button combo at the
    bllsht, Aug 17, 2006
  10. Success! The procedure outlined at allpar.com did the trick -
    derblinkenlightzen are now gone!

    Many thanks, once again, to everyone who posted.
    robert.macnutt, Aug 17, 2006
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