1997 voyager stopped dead

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by brian, May 11, 2004.

  1. brian

    brian Guest

    have 1997 voyager...3.0 litre...... driving home and minivan stopped
    makes no attemp to start ..turns over fine....getting fuel...has
    strong spark at coil....weaker spark at plugs....stumped!!!!! any help
    would be appreciated..thanks
    brian, May 11, 2004
  2. brian

    PC Medic Guest

    You say it is getting fuel and has strong spark at coil, but what about at
    plugs? Have you checked distributor cap or rotor?
    PC Medic, May 11, 2004
  3. Possible slipped timing belt, but how do you know it's getting fuel?
    Daniel J. Stern, May 11, 2004
  4. brian

    Rajsircar Guest

    If the spark is weak at plugs, change the spark plugs and wires. Also check if
    your timing belt is ok, through the inspection hole.
    Rajsircar, May 11, 2004
  5. brian


    Subject: 1997 voyager stopped dead
    Hit the intake with some starting ether-if it tries to run on it-then yer
    problem is fuel delivery.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Loren Knighton
    Woodland, CA.

    Under the hood since 1964
    Member TRNI IATN
    BACKNCARDR, May 11, 2004
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