1997 LHS hood struts

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by katherat, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. katherat

    katherat Guest

    It seems that my hood struts aren't working right...The hood won't
    stay up. I'm assuming that strut replacement will be costly?

    Is there a workaround?

    Why wouldn't this be a safety recall...

    Somebody could ged seriously hurt if the hood drops while they are
    under it!
    katherat, Aug 7, 2004
  2. katherat

    Steve Guest

    They have them hanging on the rack in blister packs in Pep Boys! This
    isn't exactly an exotic part.
    A 1x4 works wonders....
    Why would it? They are not required to even put struts on a hood, and a
    lot of cars use a prop-rod instead.
    Then maybe they'd learn to pay attention to whether or not the struts
    are getting weak. Sorry, I have no patience with holding a manufacturer
    to blame for a part wearing out and the operator being too dumb to
    notice. Yeah, struts are a poor substitute for real hood springs, but we
    voted in the government that demands higher and higher mileage, lower
    and lower emissions, and therefore makes the carmakers substitute
    lighter and inferior parts.
    Steve, Aug 7, 2004
  3. katherat

    Art Guest

    I've heard, but never checked, that cheap generic struts are available an
    auto stores.
    Art, Aug 7, 2004
  4. It seems that your hood struts aren't working right.
    Assuming? Why don't you try *checking*? Y'know, like, with a couple phone
    calls or a quick internet search? You have internet access, don'tchya?
    Yep: Replace the struts.
    Because things wear out with normal use. It's not an unexpected,
    undetectible safety defect (you have already noticed the hood doesn't stay
    up), and it's not a manufacturing defect.
    Then I guess "somebody" had better make sure to fix the problem promptly,
    then, shouldn't you...
    Daniel J. Stern, Aug 7, 2004
  5. katherat

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ouch!! 8^)

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 7, 2004
  6. I had both struts on my 94 Eagle Vision replaced at the dealer back in June
    of 2003. Cost per strut $23.29 each. Cheap.
    Frederick Pileggi, Aug 7, 2004
  7. katherat

    Steve B. Guest

    They are $17 each and simple to put on. Why would you assume they
    were expensive when you could check and see in under 30 seconds?
    Steve B., Aug 8, 2004
  8. While the criteria for initiating a safety recall is somewhat vague, the
    thrust seems to be that it's generally only done on stuff that
    breaks unexpectedly, particularly if the vehicle is in motion, where
    the consequences would be catastrophic.

    Here's the blurb from the NHTSA website:

    "most affect its safe operation (brakes, tires, lighting) or that protect
    drivers and passengers from death or serious injury in the event of a crash
    (air bags, safety belts, child restraints, energy absorbing steering
    columns, motorcycle helmets)"

    The operative works are "safe operation" and "crash" Hood struts are not
    part of the normal operation of a vehicle. They are only used when service
    being performed on the vehicle - that isn't normal operation. Servicing
    normal operation.

    Now, if the hood LATCH was defective - such that it might allow the hood to
    fly open when driving 60mph down the highway and thus obstructing your
    view - that would be a recall issue.

    More info is available here:


    Ted Mittelstaedt, Aug 8, 2004
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