1997 Chrysler Intrepid 3.3 Stalling

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Don Farrow, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. Don Farrow

    Don Farrow Guest

    I am having a stalling problem.The car will run just fine and every once and
    a while when we come to a stop it will stall for no reason. It starts right
    up again with no problem but this can be a dangerous problem My wife slowed
    down to make a right hand turn and the car stalled on her(no brakes or
    steering) The car runs so quiet that you don't even no that it is going to

    Please Help
    Don Farrow, Jul 10, 2004
  2. Don Farrow

    Art Guest

    Possibly throttle body needs cleaning but car needs to go trusted dealer or
    mechanic to check.... could be lots of things. Mention throttle body
    possiblity and maybe you won't get ripped off.
    Art, Jul 10, 2004
  3. right

    You might just check under the hood for a vacuum line that has come off. I
    doubt that it's running fine, I would bet that the idle rpm is too low -
    by something else that is amiss.

    If you have an emissions check requirement in your locality and the car has
    be tested every couple years, if your testing is state-run they may let you
    the car through the emissions inspection as a "test only" for free. It
    would be
    useful to know if it's failing inspection before you take it to a place for

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jul 11, 2004
  4. Don Farrow

    Don Farrow Guest

    It is Idling just fine I am wondering if the injectors are dirty ......
    Don Farrow, Jul 13, 2004
  5. Don Farrow

    Steve Guest

    Clean the throttle body. Stalling on coming to a stop is a classic
    symptom of a dirty throttle body. Also could be a bad speed/distance sensor.
    Steve, Jul 13, 2004
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