1996 Eagle Vision TSI - Diagnostic Trouble Code 32

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Shuman, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. Bob Shuman

    Bob Shuman Guest

    1996 Eagle TSI w/3.5L and 42LE transaxle w/approximately 70K miles. The car
    is at school with my son so is about 200 miles away. He called to tell me
    the Traction Control light came on and stayed on, this was followed by the
    Anti-Lock Brake System light also coming on. He then tells me that the
    Check Engine light came and stayed on as well. He said the vehicle appeared
    to be driving normally.

    I asked him to cycle the key three times and he read me the resulting codes:
    12-32-55. I know the 12 and 55 are start and end, so looked up the 32 in
    the FSM. This appears to be a transmission diagnostic possibly indicting
    the solenoid pack. I'm having my son check the trans fluid level to make
    sure it is in the correct range and not over or under filled. If this
    checks OK, then the next logical step would be to look at the solenoid pack.

    I thought I would ask here to see if the typical failure mode for a solenoid
    is to set this code before it fails completely. From the FSM it appears the
    trans pan needs to get dropped (too bad, just did the fluid and filter about
    6K miles ago) and then the valve body needs to be removed to get at the
    solenoid pack. It also appears that the solenoid pack comes as a complete
    assembly and not as individual solenoids (I just fixed my other son's Saturn
    and was able to replace just the one bad solenoid). About how much will
    this part cost and is there anything else I should be replacing while I'm in

    Lastly, assuming the vehicle still will shift into all 4 gears, any problem
    with driving it back home the 200 miles? If it gores to the limp home mode
    and only allows 2nd gear, what is the maximum recommended safe vehicle
    operating speed and/or engine RPM?

    Thanks in advance for any insight you all can offer.

    Bob Shuman, Apr 2, 2005
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