1996 Dodge Avenger - starting problem question.....?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by infiniteMPG, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. infiniteMPG

    infiniteMPG Guest

    My son has had a 1996 Dodge Avenger for a year now, it's been a good
    running car except for a starter problem a few months back we fixed
    quick. He takes good care of it with oil and filter changes and all
    the normal stuff and he's a very low key driver. A week ago he pulled
    into a gas station and shut the car off. He saw that pump was out of
    order so he cranked it up and moved to another pump and shut it off
    again. He realized in his haste he pulled to the wrong side so he
    started to move it and it would turn over strong but wouldn't fire.
    He tried pumping the gas and would get an occasional fire but it would
    catch. I got him to wait about 10 minutes and try it again which he
    did and it fired right up and ran fine after that.

    He drove it for the next couple of days with no issues, starting and
    running fine. Then a couple days ago he drove to several places, went
    to class in the afternoon and then after class was over he went to
    leave and the same thing. This time he waited and it still wouldn't
    fire. I swung by, had a can of starter fluid, popped the intake
    filter case open, blew in a squirt and tried it. It would try to run
    but was making a clattering noise which he said it never made and as
    soon as the fluid ran out it would shudder and stop. We tried several
    time but without the starter fluid it would just turn over and over
    and not even sputter but only made the clattering noise when we
    squirted some starter fluid in.

    We had it towed to a friend's shop and he was very busy but managed to
    take a look at it last evening. He said he was going to take the
    covers off and check the timing belt but he was also leaving to head
    out of town for the weekend so won't be back to work on it until next
    week. I thought I'd pop in here and see if anyone else might have
    some suggestions.

    I kind of doubt the timing belt is the issue as he had this problem a
    week ago and that would not of "fixed itself" by just sitting at the
    gas station a while. He some other people suggest it could be the
    fuel pump but I have no clue if this is a submerged pump in the tank
    or what. Any suggestions or things I might could tell the guy to look
    at when he returns next week?

    All help and hints are greatly appreciated.
    infiniteMPG, Apr 12, 2007
  2. infiniteMPG

    Steve B. Guest

    I wouldn't think timing belt either. Since it ran on starting fluid
    we know the ignition system is ok. Hopefully the noise you were
    hearing was detonation. The engine isn't meant to run off starting
    fluid and will knock like the devil when you do that.

    My guess is a fuel related issue. First thing I would try would be to
    check the fuel pressure. If there isn't any sometimes you can whack
    the bottom of the tank and jolt the pump just enough that it will run
    and you can start the car (extremely temporary fix... don't count on
    it working a second time if it even works the first). If still no
    fuel pressure you will have to troubleshoot the system to find out
    why. If you do have fuel pressure then I am wrong and you can safely
    delete this post and call me names under your breath.

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Apr 12, 2007
  3. My bet would be the fuel pump, next time it acts up turn the key off, then
    to run, not start and listen carefully for the brief pulse of the fuel pump
    humming for approximately half a second. If you don't hear it then chances
    are the fuel pump is on its way out and like the other poster suggested try
    tapping on the bottom of the tank while cranking as it can jar the pump
    motor enough to get it spinning again.
    Phillip McCracken, Apr 14, 2007
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