1996 Chrysler LHS

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dimpnose, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. dimpnose

    dimpnose Guest


    I have a 1996 chrysler LHS.....everytime I go through a large puddle of
    water in road, my check engine light comes on and car stalls.....the
    car will start turning but takes awhile for it to start....then
    eventually starts and runs fine, but check engine light remainson.
    ...... I have had new wire and plugs done this past November. Any help
    would be great!

    dimpnose, Jan 18, 2006
  2. dimpnose

    Bob Shuman Guest

    You need to post the engine computer diagnostic codes that were set when the
    check engine light came on. You can get these by simply turning the
    ignition key on-off-on three times in a row. Do not start the vehicle, just
    move to the on setting each time and leave on at the end. The service
    engine light will then flash out a series of 2-digit codes ending in "55".
    This should provide some insight into the cause.

    Bob Shuman, Jan 18, 2006
  3. dimpnose

    dimpnose Guest

    Hi Bob

    The last time this happened.....it shot off the code cranking
    sensor....it was cheap enough to replace, so I did....and thought the
    problem was taken care of until this morning.....do you think it could
    be a bad sensor

    dimpnose, Jan 18, 2006
  4. dimpnose

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Post the error code. If it shows sensor again, it is likely the connection
    going to it (connector, wire, etc.)

    Bob Shuman, Jan 18, 2006
  5. dimpnose

    dimpnose Guest

    Hi Bob

    One of our technicians where I work put the computer on my car and it
    showed cam shaft position sensor...well, I have already eliminated it
    with replacing the cranking shaft position sensor.....this part will
    cost $44.00 so I think this may be worth a try....if not, i guess it
    may be the wiring.....thanks for your info!!!!
    dimpnose, Jan 18, 2006
  6. dimpnose

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Why would replacing a crank position sensor fix a bad cam position sensor?
    You do realize these are two completely different things. So you can't turn
    the ignition key on and off three times and read the flashes? My advice is
    for you to take the car to the dealer or a competent independent garage for

    Bob Shuman, Jan 18, 2006
  7. dimpnose

    hartless Guest

    Seems to me this has been done. I read the op's post that he HAD the tech
    were he works SCAN the car! Stating that cam position sensor! He replaced
    the crank sensor previously.

    But please do as Bob suggest and read the codes with the key trick. It must
    be more specific then the tech reading it with a scanner.
    hartless, Jan 18, 2006
  8. The key trick provides considerably LESS detail than a proper scan.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 18, 2006
  9. dimpnose

    Bob Shuman Guest


    These are the key words (Proper Scan). I was asking for the codes since the
    OP was clearly confusing cam and crank and claimed that someone scanned, but
    had no details. My assumption was that getting the engine codes was a
    no-brainer and could provide CURRENT and ACCURATE info. While it may indeed
    be less detailed, I felt it was a logical first step. But no codes and only
    a vague recollection of what the previous code was and what was replaced, so
    I give up and am done reading this thread.

    Bob Shuman, Jan 18, 2006
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