1990 Dodge Caravan, CV joint/s ???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Big-Dave, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Big-Dave

    Big-Dave Guest

    Hi, my 1990 Dodge Caravan is makeing a clicking noise when I hit
    a bump. When makeing a right turn over a curb its loud. I sure
    it's on the drivers side. I plan on changing this myself. I looked
    on AutoZone's site and they sell a halfshaft, is this what I want to
    replace? Also do the boots come with it?
    Big-Dave, Jun 19, 2004
  2. Big-Dave

    deadbeat Guest

    Why not phone Autozone and ask them?
    deadbeat, Jun 20, 2004
  3. Big-Dave

    The Stewarts Guest

    I don't know about your symptoms, but if you have decided it is the CV
    joints then yes a half shaft is it. And it does come with the rubber

    It's been awhile since I had CV joint problems and I don't remember
    the symptoms. However, I remember that a telltale sign is if the
    rubber boots are split so that dirt can get in. Once that happens, you
    might as well put in a half shaft. Be sure it matches exactly. You
    can buy the new one specified in Autozone's data base, but match it to
    the one you take out. If it doesn't match, take the new one back and
    try another brand store.

    I think the last time I changed mine, the one at Autozone didn't match
    but the one at Advance Auto matched. Yet they were both the same
    manufacturer and part number.

    Gary Stewart

    Reply to group or email stewartx (leave out the x x)
    The Stewarts, Jun 20, 2004
  4. Big-Dave

    Big-Dave Guest

    Hi, yea both boots are damaged, one just barely off
    and the other split. I just got the van so I don't know how long they have
    been split. I have Autozone and Advanced
    auto parts in my town. Thanks for the info!
    Big-Dave, Jun 20, 2004
  5. Big-Dave

    Ted Guest

    Go here ,, will get you prepped really well for the job,, that is if you
    haven't done it a few times before ....


    Don't forget to at least drop them a note and say thanks !!

    Ted, Jun 21, 2004
  6. Big-Dave

    Big-Dave Guest

    Hi, thanks for the link. I read and reread it and will print
    it out to have with me when I do the job(Tuesday). This
    is the part of the job I'am not looking foward to....

    "Pull the axle out of the transmission.
    Some older models have snap rings which
    hold the axles in, which I think require
    you to pry out the axle from the

    With my luck, it won't want to come out!
    Thanks again
    Big-Dave, Jun 21, 2004
  7. Big-Dave

    Guest Guest

    There are at least 2 styles of half shaft used on that van. Either one
    can be used. No problem. They use different boots, so if you need to
    replace a boot down the line you need to know which axle you have. One
    is totally round, another has "flats" in 3 positions around the joint,
    among other differences.
    Guest, Jun 24, 2004
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